Thursday, January 25, 2024



You may have gathered  by now......... i am a  trump supporter ........  why.........well he is  fucking nuts  ............i like the  bad  guy ......i hate  pandering fucks ......... who pander ............and  give into the  masses of  jackoffs ......i cannot  vote  and  will never   vote ........ it is shitefucking game  ......but donald is  the  ring master of  politics ........ he is  going to  upset  a few  cunts  .....nikki haley is  a  disgusting pig  ........ she is  old ........ and   worn /torn/not  much good ........  for  an old  lady........ sorry  folks .......that cobweb ridden cervix/vag/birth canal/stench trench/ no longer   adorable  ...she might get some  old   guy who might throw  a kebasa up there   ....but no fresh's past due  vag   terms  young  guy would want to touch it ....... just  me i am a   shallow  bastard   .........not  my fault........that stems from many years of  being a  pig ......lust is   the driver.........  love is for  fools .......... once you take  lust  away ..........  love  follows  in  straight hot  blooded  males   anyways  ......but hey what the fuck do i know  huh !!!!!>......

Republican National Committee plans to soon consider declaring Trump the 'presumptive 2024 nominee'

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — The Republican National Committee is expected to consider a resolution next week to declare Donald Trump the party’s “presumptive 2024 nominee," even though only two states have voted and the former president has nowhere near the requisite number of delegates to clinch the mantle.

If approved, the measure would further solidify Trump's control of the party and its operation at a time when former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley is still competing against Trump for the GOP nomination.

The measure, according to a draft obtained Thursday by The Associated Press, “declares President Trump as our presumptive 2024 nominee for the office of President of the United States and from this moment forward moves into full general election mode welcoming supporters of all candidates as valued members of Team Trump 2024.”

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel already has signaled her approval. On Tuesday, after Haley finished second to Trump in New Hampshire, McDaniel said that while she felt the former ambassador had “run a great campaign,” Republicans “need to unite around our eventual nominee, which is going to be Donald Trump.”

News of the resolution, first reported by The Dispatch, comes as officials prepare to gather in Las Vegas next week for the RNC's winter meeting, where it is expected to be discussed.

New Jersey Republican National Committeeman Bill Palatucci, a longtime supporter of former GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie, called the resolution “silly.”

“It’s insulting to millions of primary voters who wait for the opportunity to get involved in presidential politics every four years,” Palatucci said.

Regardless of what the RNC decides, the AP will not refer to any candidate as the “presumptive nominee” until he or she has captured the number of delegates needed to win a majority vote at the national party conventions this summer. The earliest that could happen is March.

But there are no party rules prohibiting the RNC from making such a move. If adopted, it would give the Republican Party a jump-start on planning a general election matchup with Democratic President Joe Biden, who has begun framing his reelection campaign as a 2020 rematch against Trump.

And there is precedent for the committee declaring a candidate the presumptive nominee before winning the 1,215 requisite delegates to clinch the nomination. In May 2016, then-RNC Chairman Reince Priebus declared Trump the presumptive nominee before he had the appropriate share of delegates wrapped up.

Despite losing both the Iowa and New Hampshire contests to Trump, Haley has argued that her performance — outlasting all the other Trump rivals — shows the strength of her candidacy.

Trump currently has 32 delegates to Haley's 17. There is one delegate left to be assigned after the New Hampshire contest.

Neither the Haley campaign nor the Trump campaign returned messages seeking comment on Thursday. On Truth Social, Trump posted Thursday evening that, while he “greatly” appreciated the notion, he felt, “for the sake of PARTY UNITY, that they should NOT go forward with this plan, but that I should do it the ‘Old Fashioned’ way, and finish the process off AT THE BALLOT BOX.”

During a rally Wednesday night in her home state of South Carolina, Haley — the former governor — noted that her campaign had brought in more than $1 million since her second-place finish in New Hampshire. Trump followed up with a remark that appeared aimed at intimidating her donors.

“Anybody that makes a ‘Contribution’ to Birdbrain, from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp,” Trump wrote, using the nickname he has crafted for Haley and the abbreviation for his “Make America Great Again” slogan. “We don’t want them, and will not accept them, because we Put America First, and ALWAYS WILL!”

Trump’s dismissal of any Haley donors had no effect on T.J. Petrizzo, a former top Capitol Hill staffer and now lobbyist who supports Haley.

“That’s something out of a ‘Godfather’ movie. Never betray the family? Come on,” he added. “You’ve got to play this through.”

Petrizzo said he understands that some Republicans may be ready to pivot to a head-to-head contest between Trump and Biden, but he notes that there is a lot of time left before a general election.

“I’ve heard a lot of elected officials in the Republican Party, including the RNC chair, say, ‘We need to rally around a candidate.’ That this is going to be our candidate. ‘It was chosen by Iowa and New Hampshire, so we must go ahead and rally around Trump,’” Petrizzo said. “Well, there’s 285 days until the election. There’s plenty of time on the clock.”


Beaumont reported from Des Moines, Iowa. Associated Press writer Zeke Miller in Washington contributed to this report.


Meg Kinnard can be reached at

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......