Buying a house is a always has been ....but .....when you add up the numbers ...
first off........ you pay tax on everything you buy........ for the home .....all the furnishings and for what .....your wife your girlfriend top put in pillows you do not use ........towels you do not use tables set for who .........and you know it is always the women that has party to show off how she trapped you ........idiot ...she allows you a man cave ......dumbass .......or the garage .....a house is and was designed by banks for banks collateral ....nothing else .......listen it is basically a large storage unit where human beings ...... store kids and furniture .........the only reason people have parties........ is to show off what they cannot afford .....listen the house not yours till it is paid off ....that is right the bank owns it........ not you are renting it from the bank .......fact jack......... they can take it anytime they want not pay uyour mortgage they can take it are forced to everymonth and when you do not your credit is fucked .......fact ......its a dismal game ........i have owned hoses and apartment here and in uk is called responsibility .....over fucking rated my friends are a financial slave ....and when shit is on your arse .....AC....water heater .......pipes and then that costs .........its a great scam ........unless you have money or rich parents then you are okay
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