Sunday, August 20, 2023

IT'S TRUE ...............


Only fucking ten........... i thought there  might be  at least  20 plus  ......including most fucking asshole  people ...........

10 Little Things You’ll Start to Dislike as You Grow Older


As you gracefully or otherwise climb the ladder of age, you’ll start noticing subtle (and not-so-subtle) shifts in your tastes, preferences, and patience. Suddenly, that loud music you couldn’t live without becomes a pesky noise, and a quiet weekend at home sounds like a vacation.

Table of Contents

Spoiler alert: If you’re fond of late-night parties, you may want to brace yourself!

The Outdoors

10 Little Things You’ll Start to Dislike as You Grow Older
Photo: © Robert Kneschke via

Those once enchanting summer picnics, full of buzzing bees and blades of grass invading your perfectly made sandwich, start to lose their charm. The call of the wild, previously experienced as a thrilling adventure, gradually becomes an invitation to a world full of pollen, potential sunburn, and that one pesky mosquito that seems hell-bent on turning you into its personal buffet. Oh, the times are a-changing.

Supermarket Switcheroos

10 Little Things You’ll Start to Dislike as You Grow Older
Photo: © ferrantraite via

As you grow older, sudden store rearrangements, typically meant to freshen up the shopping experience, can become a major annoyance. The thrill of discovery is replaced by the frustration of a treasure hunt gone wrong.

You find yourself wandering aimlessly, squinting at aisle signs, and grumbling about ‘the good old predictable layout.’ And let’s not even mention the agony when they stop stocking your favorite brand!

Any Body Ache

10 Little Things You’ll Start to Dislike as You Grow Older
Photo: © 74images via

As the years tick by, your invincible youthful aura inevitably takes a hit, and getting sick makes its way from the “oh, it’s just a cold, I’ll power through” category to the “clear my schedule, I’m out for a week” arena.

Suddenly, the sniffles you used to dismiss with a nonchalant shrug demand your utmost attention and a full stock of tissues.


10 Little Things You’ll Start to Dislike as You Grow Older
Photo: © g-stockstudio via

Once upon a time, a crowded room buzzing with conversations and laughter was the epitome of a good time. Now, however, you might find yourself gravitating towards the quiet corner, enjoying the peace and the company of a few close friends.

It’s not that people become less interesting as you age; quite the contrary. It’s just that you prefer quality over quantity, and that means trading the clamorous party for an intimate dinner.

The Social Media Hype

10 Little Things You’ll Start to Dislike as You Grow Older
Photo: © Aramyan via

Your tolerance for endless scrolling and snapshots of other people’s quasi-perfect lives can wane as you age. The sea of emojis, Likes, and Stories doesn’t satiate your appetite for genuine, face-to-face connection.

And let’s not even begin on the ‘humble-brag’ – it’s as appetizing as stale bread. So, you’ll find yourself using social media less frequently, and it may just turn into yet another item on your “why-did-I-ever-like-this” list.

Loud Music…With Gibberish Lyrics?

10 Little Things You’ll Start to Dislike as You Grow Older
Photo: © carlofranco via

As you age, gone will be the days when you’d relish in the heavy bass vibrating through your bones. Instead, you’ll find solace in the gentle hum of nature or the soft melodies of classical tunes.

The once invigorating loud music will begin to feel like an intrusive racket, inviting a headache rather than a foot tap. Louder doesn’t always mean better, you’ll realize, as you opt for the comforting whispers of the wind over the blaring speakers.

Unrelenting Corporate Culture

10 Little Things You’ll Start to Dislike as You Grow Older
Photo: © Tashi-Delek via

As you grow older, you might start to see through the glittery facade of ping pong tables, free donuts on Fridays, and “casual” office attire. Beneath the surface, there’s often an unspoken pressure to always be “on,” to work late hours, and to prioritize your job over your personal life.

The once enticing idea of a corporate “family” might start to feel more like an overbearing in-law who doesn’t appreciate boundaries. Nothing against in-laws, of course!

Staying Up Past Your Bedtime

10 Little Things You’ll Start to Dislike as You Grow Older
Photo: © PeopleImages via

Remember those all-nighters at college, the midnight movie premieres, or just being a night owl, thriving in the quiet of the night? Well, kiss those days goodbye as your body starts to crave consistency.

The late-night allure fades, giving way to a mature appreciation of early nights and even earlier mornings. The night owl in you tucks its wings away, and the early bird begins to flap its feathers.

Subscriptions to Absolutely Everything

10 Little Things You’ll Start to Dislike as You Grow Older
Photo: © B4LLS via

Ah, the lure of subscriptions – sign up now, they beckon, and worry about the cost later. Even your dog’s monthly chew toy comes in a box, wrapped and delivered right to your door as if Fido has any concept of the postal system.

Suddenly, the convenience of having your favorite magazine, Netflix, and new skincare products regularly delivered isn’t as charming when your bank account starts to look like a subscription graveyard.


10 Little Things You’ll Start to Dislike as You Grow Older
Photo: © Mac99 via

What was once an exhilarating voyage of self-discovery and rebellion against your parents’ over-caution becomes a routine, even tedious task. You start questioning if the convenience of driving is really worth the mounting gas prices, the relentless traffic jams, the manic motorcyclists weaving through lanes, and the ever-increasing premium of your car insurance.

The simple joy of a leisurely drive turns into a test of patience, dodging potholes and enduring the eternal blinkers of the indecisive driver ahead.

10 Modern Parenting Techniques That Older Generations Can’t Stand

10 Modern Parenting Techniques That Older Generations Can’t Stand
Provided by Frenz via

As social norms change and scientific understanding advance, modern parents adopt strategies that may seem foreign and even objectionable to their elders.

10 Mo

No comments:

  I really  did not give  a fuck about the  song  .......i mean.........  cher is   totally fucking  epic....... and  all .......but ..........