Sunday, August 6, 2023

.....allied services not that good .............


Listen........ i do not  care  .........about your mode of  operation in this life ......but in conversation the other  day  ......with a  very  dear  friend of mine ........he told me of  his  disdain in his time with  allied  security  services........... on how they treated him after  16 years of  service ......on how  they took  advantage if   his  position in life..... and  favored others over  him ....... because he  did not  fit  thir  agenda ........but hey111111 .......its   business and  they do not  care ......when you seem to  be a nice person the companies like allied will use and  take  advantage of people  the  slovenly servile  security personnel .....the ones  qwho do not  care   always get favored  and   he  informed  me of  the  inside  of   the company........  where the people  were   degrading other   staff  .........with many  derogatory  comments .......they only seemed to care as long as the  personnel showed up ass in seats .....he  done th  job  16 yeras  got  no  thanks  and  no rewards  for  his  hard work and  time .......pissed off  ....yes  he  probably was   after  16 years  and  no  breaks of   favouritism over  others  ........i will not mention how  .......the other  used  their position and  ....... derivation to their  advantage in the  company ........but all my friend  did  was  work  hard  for  them......... and  get  shit on is  large  company........ and  probably.......... the managers  do not  give a  shit....... as  long as they slovenly mob  up ....right !!!!!!!! long as you see  a guard ....... that is the  deterrent !!!! a mouse  when it sees a cat  ...a deterrent ......but anyways  i was ot surprised  at the  way he was  treated  i have   heard  varying degrees of  disdain from other  who  worked  for  allied  security  services .........i workd in a resort  .....will not mention the  name  ....... for   reasons obviously  ....but the security guard  hardly spoke English .........  and i mean  hardly .......... and  was  woking there should speak English......... if  you are a  security gaurd in know ......but like i say ....... ass in  seats  .......ass in seats ......

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