Saturday, July 1, 2023


Todd one of  my greatest friends.........  like to send me his inspirational  e-mails  ........which i feel blessed to receive in the spirit of  giving........ i feel it is only right to let you  feel the  wisdom............and  healing......... pass it on..............positive breeds  positive ........todd is  also  a reiki  healer....... .and an author........... his books are very insightful.......... and  uplifting ........i am very blessed to have  todd........ and merlyn as  part of my life  ........very positive energy .....which is healing .........please enjoy .............

Steve's photo for this week

The best way to build a smile...

Meet Juliette!

While wandering through the flea market nearest me I got into a conversation with a vendor.

David was a grandfather and had his sweet granddauthter was in the booth with him. She was doing some art.

I asked David if I could take her photo and showed him my art samples in my phone. He called Juliette and joined us and smiled into my camera. The timing was perfect. I understand she lost a front tooth a couple of days later!

Here she is!

She is even more adorable than her photo or my sketch!

The photo below isn't a bird...look again! It's swimming!

OK, so I had a busy week sketching, so here is sketch #2 Meg Ryan

Wisdom and humor combined...

Hmmmm.... Who organized this event anyway???

By the way,

I have been the Fool, the Smart Person and the Wise Man...

All in the same day just in time to start all over again!

- Todd

Have you ever had your head mistaken for a coconut?

Thanks Ray Lepar for this one and the red dot joke.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......