Thursday, July 20, 2023

its so fucking true


i have to agree on this one .......

10 Things People Begin To Love More and More as They Grow Older

Chris Phelan

It’s incredible to think of all the things you start loving later in life. From appreciating the art of the perfect nap to driving slowly, some things take time to develop! Recently, men and women met in an online discussion to reveal everything they realized they love more and more the older they get.

Table of Contents

Keeping Everything Clean

10 Things People Begin To Love More and More as They Grow Older
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A particular joy accompanies things being clean; from a spotless car to a dust-free home, it’s easy to appreciate things being tidy as you grow older. While many of our childhood was marked by dirty rooms and even dirtier cars, that’s no longer the case for millions of us. (Don’t get me wrong, though, physically cleaning anything is still the worst)!

Taking Naps

10 Things People Begin To Love More and More as They Grow Older
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The younger generation will never truly grasp the fantastic feeling of a perfect mid-day nap. Nap time isn’t just for newborns; it’s for anyone who wants to improve their life! I was just telling a co-worker that, as a kid, Grandpa had mandatory nap time,” says one woman. “I always hated it until I got old, and now I understand.”

Quality Food

10 Things People Begin To Love More and More as They Grow Older
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It’s astounding what we put into our bodies as young adults. Although it took a couple of decades, many people can’t believe it took them this long to start eating quality food. “I grew up on Taco Bell, McDonald’s, and all-around crappy food,” recalls one man. “When my wife and I make some good food, it makes a huge difference in how I feel.”

Getting Up Early

10 Things People Begin To Love More and More as They Grow Older
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Only the older generation knows the beauty of a quiet morning, free from distractions. It’s the perfect time to prepare yourself for the day, and for many people, nothing is better than the perfect cup of coffee before the rest of the world awakens.

Driving Slower

10 Things People Begin To Love More and More as They Grow Older
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Maybe it’s because it’s easier to appreciate good gas mileage as you get older, or perhaps it’s simply a matter of common sense. Whatever the reason is, driving slower is part of the aging process, but I’m here for it — I’d much rather get somewhere safely than quickly!


10 Things People Begin To Love More and More as They Grow Older
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Whether it’s prioritizing your physical or mental health, self-care is an art lost on the younger generation. You have to reach a certain age to realize that you can always take steps to become healthier, but you know what they say: Better late than never!


10 Things People Begin To Love More and More as They Grow Older
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I can attest to birdwatching being the highlight of my day. You’d be shocked at how much my bird feeder cost. Birds are the best, and I’ll fight anyone who thinks otherwise! “My wife and I put up a bird feeder as a feature of our landscaping in the backyard,” explains one man.

“Now we have names for each bird and know their quirks. We have a cardinal (Edgar) who pecks at our window to let us know when to refill the feeder. I have no predisposition to birds, but we will watch the drama at the feeder through our patio door for hours.”


10 Things People Begin To Love More and More as They Grow Older
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Many older adults reveal that they have reignited their passion for reading in recent years, and some even read upwards of three to four different books at a time! There’s nothing better than curling up with a good book, and it’s something that younger generations don’t understand.

Enjoying Adult Beverages Early in the Day

10 Things People Begin To Love More and More as They Grow Older
Marilyn Nieves via

Don’t confuse this practice with alcoholism — some people would instead drink during the day than party long into the night. “Give me some cold beers/wine/cocktails with friends on a gorgeous sunny afternoon where we’re all home before the sun sets over a night out any day,” advises one woman. “Plus, more eating/drinking water time afterward before sleep means far fewer hangovers.”

Doing Things Alone

10 Things People Begin To Love More and More as They Grow Older
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Countless people admit that as you get older, the more other people annoy you. Logically, this leads to many falling in love with doing things alone. By the time you reach a certain age, you finally begin to understand and appreciate the most important person in the world: Yourself.


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......