Sunday, July 2, 2023

DO I CARE NO !!!!!!!...............................

 Who gives a rat's ass .........i thought it was  so you could  call it  the  family name of  the  man .....i know my family  took my name ....... and   bastardized it.........  like  fucking  losers ....... they are ........could not  live up to it though........  piss poor  ........but hey to them.......... it was only a  name.......... because they were  ashamed of their own names ..........  had  to  get a  real name's easy to  own a name .......... but live up to it......... ....different ...........  fucking families  .......that's just my  theory ......... after  all //////////my family .....what they say  typical scot's ........nothing more to say on that  subject .....i can tell you .......i was  under the assumption............ historically that a  woman .......... took the  man's family .......... name to  continue  his  heritage ///////// and  the woman  gave  it  up  for  the   sanctity of marriage .......because....... in the  cultures of brainwashing .......a woman was only there to have the kids  .......its a cultural  thing .......... look at the  indian  cultures .......... woman are subservient.  they are  there  to produce ........look at all the  male  dominated  cultures ........enough said ...........

Why Do Women Still Change Their Names?

 | Michelle Muller
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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......