Friday, June 2, 2023



Who said the dead do not  speak...well there you go ......but what good is  300 years ago ....TB.......maybe  for shit and giggles ......i have a thing about the dead !!!! they said in the  movie "cocktail" with tom cruise...... .......coglans law .....".bury the dead"......they stink up the place .......i know it was a  fictitious  law ....... but i liked it ........ and it is true .....and  cocktail was  great film......however let the dead be .....i think when you open dead bodies  it is not good ....but that is  just me  because i am a germophobe .......hey ......enjoy these  weird ass pics .....anyways  ....or not !!!!!! .......

Mother & Son Who Died 300 Years Ago Get CT Scans To Resolve Secrets They Took To The Grave

Published Jun 2, 2023

In 1994, archaeologists discovered perfectly preserved caskets underneath a church in Hungary. Two mummified bodies belonged to a 38-year-old mother named Veronica Skripetz and her 1-year-old son, Yohan, who both likely died of tuberculosis.

Some years ago, the mummies were wheeled inside the Orange County Global Medical Center in Santa Ana, California, 6000 miles from where they were discovered entombed.

Now, doctors are set to perform belated autopsies in an effort to uncover vital information from the grave. But Veronica and Yohan weren't the only bodies found beneath the church; more than 250 mummies were discovered in the same underground crypt!

Experts are well aware of the fact there were no antibiotics or medications 300 years ago, but that isn't keeping them from searching for more answers. How did they live their lives? Exactly why did so many children die during this time?

Using the first ever virtual autopsy on mummies, doctors hope to resolve the secrets this mother and son took to their graves.

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The results of the CT scan was revealed at the Bowers Museum during the "Mummies of the World" exhibition.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......