Wednesday, June 7, 2023

THE 27 CLUB............


Funnily enough......... i just done mentioning........ this in the doors article  ...about all the musicians...... and famous people ....... that joined this elite club ......well too late for me  .....i missed that bus a long .....long ...time ago .....thank fuck!........not  a club i want to be a member of  .......i would not want to be  a member of  a club........ that would have me as a member .......for sure .........but a lot of  musicians  went there ....... and  Joplin........ and  Hendrix........  went in that club and  amy winehouse ..........but all drugs .......not sure if it was  intentional !!......but we lost talented  greats people.......  and  of  course the  lizard king  ......losses  insurmountable  ......

There has been no link to this exclusive  club that it was  an intentional  membership .....but 27's a  strange amount......... of  famous  to be in...... that  number ......maybe there is a  symbolism ........or not  !!!!! ...well we will never  know !!!!! ......but  there has been a lot  ......... and ...... very ......very talented  .....unique  stars who knows.....  but here is  a list of the  27 club memebers .....

Artists in ‘The 27 Club’

 | Mark Villanueva
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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......