Sunday, June 4, 2023



I have said all along social media is pure  garbage  ....and of course the king of  garbage /shite/filth/servile/repugnant/low self worth/excriment........not too mention....... mainstream media.......  it is shite too  ..........all the media is pure filth  .......i keep saying those who control the news ........  just spew filth........ i am posting filth all the time........ probably....... but i search....... look ........and  find  for  garbage....... to post it is ........ i think some of  it must be true for the  stupid  shite  people do ........that never  ceases to amaze me ......well for sure  mark Zuckerburg ........ allows  the most servile ...... low life ........ garbage ......on face book  not to mention........ the racial garbage........  and  the things are  posted  .......facebook is the most disgusting....... filth........ platform ........ alive on the planet  .....he allows ....... servile ....... people  to make  shite .......  nasty ....... useless  videos ........ stupid cunts  ........sorry!!....... folks ....... you always  going to get reemed in here ........ for  free......  i do not  charge ......... for  reeming your stupid......... servile  arse !!!!!.......i go on facebook basically to drive people  nuts .......why .....becasue they let me .......they are  so dumb.......thin skinned ....and  take  face book for  real......and put their  whole  life on this....nasty shithole  platform .....i have been  banned  so many times  ...... by repugnant losers .........  who work for  mark ....little  paycheck monkies ........ who  think they lived  life  .........only becaue i have said the truth! ........and those  who partake in the shite ........are as bad........  and  servile ........ as those who  believe these fake  chicks  ....guys ..... bullshit .........they spew out .........and meanwhile....... mark laughs at these  fuckimg fools ....... while he bank rolls billions ........he has  no conscience........  he is  not  a decent human being ........on any level ........ he knows it .......and it's all good ........ its  business .......nothing personal........ as they say ....who are the... ....the  ones that run  the garbage  rotunda ....... or  servile misinformation ....

 but the saddest part of   servile social media the families  that pst all their  shit  on know  cakes  families  happy memories and  acting all good  so  everyone  will like them and  think they are  great ....they try and  validate their  memories on a wasteland ........and they disconnect when anyone is  against their  erile lives ...... they portray ........ i know this i  have been ousted  by friends........ many........ many ......times  .....and i am  me  ......and they love to play happy families  ......mean while  we   all know that family bullshit ........but facebook  lets them live  this  life  that they  believ is  real ........and facebook owns all your pics  .......and  shit .........but hey   enjoy ......or not  ........and of course  here are 27 people who proved  me right ........

27 People Who Prove Social Media is Total BS

With social media came the filters, the excessive photoshopping, and an all-time high of people with insecurity problems.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......