Monday, June 12, 2023

no surprise .......................


Listen you have to know  its  only rock and roll ....and what comes with rock and  roll and  drugs is  like  coffee and cream ......whips and clips .......chips and dips .....cheese and crackers ......lemon and  lime and coke .......jack and coke .......etc,..etc.....hope i made a point there carried away  momentarily......if you are a musician and  have tatts and piercings and go to places  say russia .......who we  all know ......  does not fuck around ...and does not like americans if  you are musician are asking for  bernard/barney/barney rubble/ trouble ......and usually  just by chance most musician are  into drug .......however  your  average  musician.......... is into  to some  sort  of  addiction ......apart  gene simmons  he is  a fucking   clean this comes as  no surprise  ....but there will be  another  deal   .....definitely' to be a  better  ........ deal than the  last one ........  the lanky ugly broad ........ $wapped......... for  viktor boot  a  russian arms dealer .......FFS .....joe  biden is a  fucking idiot  of  epic propprtions ........ still the russkies will  do some  swap  you know  this is  a collateral move .....nothing else ........

US rock musician detained in Moscow in drug-dealing investigation

In this article:
  • Brittney Griner
    Brittney Griner
  • Anthony Bourdain
    Anthony Bourdain
    American chef and television personality
Travis Leake
Travis Leake

Russian police have arrested an American rock singer living in Moscow for alleged drug dealing.

Travis Leake was arrested after police searched his apartment in a Moscow suburb earlier this week, Russian news agencies reported late on Saturday.

“A suspicious substance was found, which was sent off for examination, as well as scales, zip-lock bags and other means of packaging,” TASS reported. It also described Mr Leake as a former US paratrooper.

Mr Leake appears to have been well-known in the Moscow expat community and had appeared in a 2014 CNN documentary on the Russian capital hosted by the US celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain. One of Mr Leake’s colleagues told CNN after his arrest that he was a showman “who loved Russia”.

In a video posted on Telegram, Mr Leake looked tired and confused during his arrest and denied that he had broken any laws.

The US government has only said that “it is aware of reports of the arrest of a US citizen” in Russia and is “providing consular assistance”.

Prisoner swap

In December, the US swapped Victor Bout, one of the world’s most notorious arms dealers, for Brittney Griner, a basketball player who had been imprisoned in Russia for drug smuggling, in a deal that some politicians criticised.

“We must stop inviting dictatorial and rogue regimes to use Americans overseas as bargaining chips,” Bob Menendez, chairman of the US Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, said shortly after Ms Griner was freed.

Ms Griner had been imprisoned for nine years after being caught at a Moscow airport in February 2022 carrying cannabis vapes, which she said that she had been prescribed for pain relief, ahead of the start of a season playing for a team in the Urals.

Russia also currently holds two other American citizens in its prisons.

Paul Whelan, a businessman, was convicted of spying in 2020 and imprisoned for 16 years. Evan Gershkovich, a Wall Street Journal reporter, has been in pre-trial detention in a Moscow prison since his arrest in March, also for spying.

The US State Department has formally declared that Mr Gershkovich was wrongfully arrested, an official classification that prioritises his release.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......