Sunday, June 11, 2023

LIKE FATHER....LIKE SON !!!!!!!...........


Like father....... like son.......fucking know wht they say about the proverbial apple.......  dropping ....... from the  old tree .......he is a  fucking full blown junkie ..........and  used  his daddy.......   for   getting whores and drugs........well......... i guess i would too ........  so  that is a hard  sell .....if yo ....have a rich pappy........  who is  connected.....and you like drugs and  hookers ......and you have the old silver spoon's going to be hard  to  go into  normality .......and you  dad   is a  corrupt old cunt  can you blame  hunter  ......he was  handed ....... drugs ........and  whores on a plate ...........look at who he was dealing with .......a  country of  jack offs......... and  pervs we really have to blame  joe biden....... for  being a shite father all those  political bastards....... kids .....they are all ruined  ...they never  worked for shite  ....look at jenna bush .......  she  got the  job on the  # today show ........  because of  who she is ....... and  her  family ........she  has no journalistic  talent...... all ........ she  was  daddy's  girl ........ landed  their job  because her  name .....bush dynasty .......they have power......just look at the  war  with Hitler  ...enough said .......

Listen i get he likes  drugs and hookers  ...what straight ....... hot blooded ....... hetro male ..... doesn' hookers that is  ....drugs  ,,,...not i  but some do hunter ........ was  just using  a situation his advantage that's's  hard to  blame  him......... i guess ........he was  just given  carte blanche.......rumour   has it they had  to  to keep big joe  .....that is ......" corn pop " biden  the blame  lies with him i say father ....... like son ......"monkey see .....monkey do" .........

Added note.......what sort of fucking half wit......  with a drug........ and  whore problem ...... hands in his laptop .......look at that dumb British bastard....... GARY GLITTER....told the comp repair guy not  look at the  hard  drive .......NEWSFLASH ....... for  fucking idiots  .......if you are going to hand in  tech ware .....and you have been  doing drugs/hookers /fucking sheep /goats /dogs/kids/or anything with a pulse........and tell the tech guy not to look sure as wart on a  hookers piss flaps .......they are going to  butchers......butchers hook ....look ......stupid bastards deserve all you get .........



Hunter Biden's explicit laptop images released by former Donald Trump employee

In this article:
  • Hunter Biden
    Hunter Biden
    American attorney and businessman
  • Donald Trump
    Donald Trump
    President of the United States from 2017 to 2021
  • Joe Biden
    Joe Biden
    46th and current president of the United States
Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden

A former Donald Trump aide has published almost 9,000 images of Joe Biden’s son Hunter online, after claiming it took months to censor compromising images of him nude and with drugs and prostitutes.

The photographs come from a cache of material obtained from a laptop the US president’s son reportedly took to a computer repair shop in Delaware.

The contents were passed to the media and a number of the photos were published ahead of the presidential election in 2020 in an attempt to embarrass the Biden campaign.

The latest images were published online by Marco Polo, a Right-wing non-profit organisation founded by Garrett Ziegler, a former employee of Mr Trump.


They show the younger Mr Biden, 53, naked and apparently taking drugs and in the company of sex workers. Hunter’s battle with drug addiction is well documented.

Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden

The photographs are dated between 2008 and 2019. Mixed in with the explicit images are a selection of family pictures, showing members of the Biden clan - including the president - holidaying in Rome.

Other photographs were purportedly taken in locations including Hawaii, Kosovo, China, London and Paris.

Mr Ziegler defended the decision to release the images, telling the Daily Mail: “If the American people want to know what their first family is like, they’re going to get it. And we’re not going to be taking out photos that paint the Bidens in a good light.”

The photographs are presented in chronological order and include geolocation tags, allowing users to see where they were taken on a world map.

Mr Ziegler said it took “months” to go through the images and edit out any graphic material.

Earlier this year, lawyers for Mr Biden wrote to the US Justice Department calling for a criminal investigation into close allies of Mr Trump and others who accessed and disseminated data from the laptop.


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......