Wednesday, June 7, 2023

JUST LIFE...........


Every now and then....... i like to tell you why i  do this.......... and  believe it or not !!!!! .....not  for money ....... or  fame......... or  fortune sirreee bob .....i have  had this website  .......more than 20 years's a conduit ......... or  some  way to let the world  know..........  what i am thinking especially like  face book  or say completely what you are thinking ..........why it is  simply run by  a  liberal  rich  guy ........which is  oxymoronic  .... ...more  moronic  than oxy........ i say liberal  is  opposing Diametrics , all the rich liberals fucking hypocrites........ and  evil /devious and downright filth as human beings i can vent ........what i think...... say....... and feel about life  .......and  all the stupid shit  that circumvents the globe.......... and  the fucking idiots  that surround us every single  day  .....and there  is no end  to  fucking human garbage    .......there is   a globe full of  human trash ...... awash in face book ........and  they have people....... who are servil ........ dirtbags ...... banning people ........  who have no life  skills.......  but have purple  hair ........ live  with their mums.......( never usually have  dads  or they would be kicked out )........ and  work  for  this  servile ...... repugnant....... man  ....who clearly does not give a fuck about anyone .....i despise  mark zucherburg  .........for  being a  coward ........ a man that has to run .......  surrounded. by body gaurds ( i think about  8 or ten ...)..... that is a coward ....... a    spineless  man ....afraid  of everything ......

however  whole idea of  having this is to say what i am  thinking........ and  try and  keep you informed ..........for no reason ....face book like  all social media  platforms....... is run by weak men....... with no back bones ........  look at jack dorsey ........ another  compadre........  in his  rich little bubble...... (sold out ....left).  ......another  liberal coward ...... .......sorry  j ........true!......if you  were  a  true  media  guy ......... why am i banned  for  years is  shite  anyways  ......always   banning  or blocking .......

Anyways......... i just like to say ........ all social media is  filth ...........they have  algorithms ........ for  attracting sick violence......... and if you track something......... they post similar  shite to you .......i know ........ i did it on face book .....i started clicking on shit .........on  purpose.......  to see if they would send ....... servile......  repugnant ....... garbage ....... and they do !!!!!!.......and  face book is racist .........but people  are so fucking  stupid on there .........  because they only care about pics of their Cars/houses/presents /parties/gender reveals./uncles/aunts/....etc....etc......... so everyone will like them .........they want to be liked ........ and hate themselves  quietly ........and ....... are seeking approval....... from a  bunch of fake cunts ......who  stab them in the back ......... while playing happy families .......its all horse shite ....... i have  seen and  heard people that very thing !!!!!!.........

so in closing ....... i just trying to let you have both barrels......... in  letting you know how bad ........ or good ........ or  crazy life is!!!!! is  like a  therapy to  release !!!! ........and tell others  what i am  thinking ........and  sometimes......  people are too afraid  to say........ what i am thinking ....because they are ruled  by  family/friends/husband/wife...etc ....etc....and  do not  want to be disowned  .....because they want to  be liked  by anyone........  they are afraid  to be lonely is  how social media  preys upon the  weak and lost !!!!  sheep in a field !!!!......they can  control  them through validation...... not  truth !!!........which is the worst of all evils .......

here is the worst oxy moronic statemnt .........


And of course........ with all my posts  i like to post pics  for  no reason .........

enjoy or not!!!!!! is like sand not squeeze it hold it gently  and  admire it  ....if you squeeze too tightly will slip away through your hands ..........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......