Saturday, June 10, 2023

BEG PACKING ....I MEAN WTF!!!!!!!..................


Maybe it is  just me .... i hate being a fucking tourist ..........some fuckers have that tourist mentality ........or the cruise ship ....done that whole  fucking Disney shit !!!!! ....with  friend's and  such like...... .....waiting in line   like a  grockel/ they say .......i just  hate  it   always  have  ......waiting in lines .....pretending its awesome  ......i just  hate all the tourist related shit  .......but this trend of  beg packing .....listen if you cannot  afford to be  a tourist.........  stop annoying tourists ....... let  then have their  tourist   adventures  ......tourists ....... ruin  protected  things ...... like standing all over  them.......and  fucking shit  up  .......the worst tourists i have  ever  seen........ or met !....are  Japanese! ........ those are some camera clicking ...... aggressive.........  fuckers in  every level .....the take pics of  everything .......even in crocodile dundee !!!!!!........remember  or  subway is  not  a lie .....i have never  ever  seen people take    more pictures   happy than  Japanese  .....not sure what it is  .......

Anyways begpacking .......i certainly would not  like to be on vacation and some  white fucking tourist.......  trying to scratch money from me ......i do not give money to anyone ....we live in some strange times and  never know when you are going to  get  robbed  to lessen chances  you  do not  invite/provoke/entice /tourists or anyone .........i have been in some  third world countries...... and i mean third world  countries ......and you see  begging on a scale mothers disfiguring their kids and  such like for pity or begging at  taxi windows  ...fuck no!!!! ......if i need to miserable or  upset ......then i will get married !!!!!...simple  fact .....however  they should stamp this shit out .......or arrest these people .....anyways when i do travel i am not slumming it  for sure .......that is  just  the way it is  ........if i cannot  afford it  ....i am not  going  ......

How 'begpackers' are taking to the streets of Asia to fund their travels

By yanik88 / Getty Images

Crowdfunding campaigns can be a solution for travelers with a particular mission in mind, who need donors to get a round-the-world bike trip or a life-changing experience off the ground. But 'begpackers,' mostly seen in Asia, are far less ethically minded when begging for money to fund their travels.

Crowdfunding campaigns can be a solution for travelers with a particular mission in mind, who need donors to get a round-the-world bike trip or a life-changing experience off the ground. But 'begpackers,' mostly seen in Asia, are far less ethically minded when begging for money to fund their travels.

According to OECD figures, Asia is home to two-thirds of the world's poor, with over 800 million people living on less than $1.25 a day and 1.7 billion on less than $2 a day. In the summer of 2021, a study by the Asian Development Bank highlighted the dramatic consequences of the pandemic, which pushed 75 to 80 million people into extreme poverty by 2020, ie, living on less than $1.90 a day. In this context, seeing Westerners beg for money on the sidewalks of Bangkok sits uneasily with many people.

In a recent article, CNN reports on the return of tourists who have no qualms about financing their trip by begging for coins on the sidewalk. It was an expat in Hong Kong, who runs an Instagram account about life overseas, who reported the return of this rather unusual type of visitor, posting a photo captioned "nature is healing, begpackers are back," on his Chaotic Hong Kong Expats page.

As its name suggests, begpacking is a bit like backpacking, but funded by begging. Indeed, these travelers have a very different approach to funding their journey compared to backpackers, the young globetrotters who embark on a journey lasting several months or even a year, often funded by odd jobs as they go.

In the case of the begpackers, who are mostly present in Asia, their motivation is completely different. The American news site reports that some sell jewelry or propose hair braiding, and others play music, while others just wait for spare change from passersby without doing anything. However, begging is banned in Thailand, India and Indonesia. So it's at their own risk that these begging tourists try to get themselves an all-expenses-paid trip. In Thailand, for example, begging, whether direct or indirect, is punishable by a fine of at least €250 and potentially up to a year's imprisonment. Last fall, the news portal Toute la Thaïlande had already spotted this phenomenon, while various travel bloggers report having come across these begging tourists, who sometimes offer free hugs.

In 2017, Le Monde brought to light this practice, with the French daily newspaper calling it "the latest in shameless tourism." Aside from the indecency of Western travelers asking passersby to fund their travels when the local population is struggling to feed itself, this phenomenon also highlights how Westerners have passports powerful enough to easily cross the borders of many countries, as the whim takes them -- a freedom locals can not usually enjoy without putting in a great deal of administrative effort. Speaking to CNN, a Filipino lawyer sums up this reality as "passport privilege."

© Agence France-Presse

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......