Friday, May 19, 2023



Listen i have dined in some really fucking expensive  places my  existence ....all over ......Vegas/New york/London ....... ....... etc .........but i  have never  heard of  11 bucks for  water/aqua/eau.......whatever  you call it ......i call  11 bucks  taking the piss   .....extracting the  urine  ....and it turns  to piss ....only a fucking twat  would  pay that in a restaurant ......these wanker waiters  tried that on me in fort Lauderdale (cunt heaven )............listen if you can rip people off  .....with water then you are a wanker restauranter....of epic proportions .......... pure fucking stupid greed........  as  fuck .......i will and....... do not   ........wait in line  anywhere where is  worth waiting  for  ......there are plenty of  places to eat  ..........fuck that!!!!!!!! ......11  bucks  .......taking the piss  .....for something that should be   free and  clean in a restaurant ........

@babysshhaa/TikTok Remix by Caterina Cox

‘Why is it $11???’: Customers get charged $11 for drinking water at restaurant

'Can we take it home??'


Rachel Kiley




Posted on May 18, 2023

Ordering water at a fancy restaurant? You might have to pay for that.

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A TikToker who learned this the hard way recently shared their experience with followers, after overcoming their initial shock at the extra charge on the bill.

“If we were charged for bottles of water can we take it home??” the TikTok user, @babysshhaa, wrote via text overlay. “Can we get a partial refund??? why is it $11???”

The video features her looking at a receipt from Totti’s Restaurant that included one $11 charge for a liter of San Pellegrino and another for a liter of Acqua Panna. She then panned around to show both bottles on the table and over half full each.


Many restaurants offer both tap water and a selection of bottled water as options to go alongside a meal, and if the customer opts for the latter, they can just about always expect to be charged for it.

But, as one commenter pointed out, “usually they’re suppose to ask if you want tap, sparkling or still,” something that doesn’t seem to have happened in this instance.

“They just asked if i want water they didn’t specify bottled,” @babysshhaa replied to one comment, adding, “like i’m sorry guys i’ve never been to a boujee restaurant.”

A handful of viewers roasted her for not expecting a charge, but others said they had learned this lesson the hard way as well.

“This happened to me and i had 3 bottles and didn’t know they cost money until the bill came i was perplexed,” one user wrote.

“Imagine the table water bill for 13 people that’s easy $230 on water,” another added.


Several others supported the TikToker’s suggestion of just taking that pricy water home with her since she already paid for it—and she admitted that she actually wound up doing exactly that.

“It’s currently on the bed side table,” she wrote.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......