Wednesday, May 17, 2023

TWIN PEAKS..........


I usually meet my accountant  once  a month twin peaks........  we have a  few words......... and  some salad  .........and  some sports ..........i like it way better than hooters  ...those orange shorts ........ make me gag .....if they dressed in tennis outfits.......   and  would be cuter .......the orange   shorts....... do annoy me   .......and the girls i think hooters is  over ......... twin peaks is  the  country- ized version of  hooters........  it's like  lumberjack hooters ........good idea .....the girls are cute !!!!!! ....and i think hooters needed  some competition .........i will still go to hooters....... if  a i get free food  like  fries ........and  salads  ....i think the managers get a blow  job......... and  gave out best  tables .......... i am not  sure  ......i heard this .....not  sure if  it is  real,....... kosher.......but  hey!!!!!!its all good  ....nothing like tits and food....... we all like  tits and  food ....... even women like tits and  food .......its  just a thing ........tits.....always go with food .......

@averylinhart3/TikTok Trong Nguyen/ShutterStock (Licensed)

‘I don’t even make this much in 2 weeks’: Twin Peaks worker makes $59 an hour

'Girl you should just wear that every shift.'


Angela Littlefield




Posted on May 16, 2023

Some servers think wearing pigtails gets them the most tips. Others think an all-black jumpsuit does the trick. But one TikToker may have just proved what the best tactic is: a birthday sash.

Twin Peak worker Avery Linhart (@@averylinhart3), who has almost 1 million followers on TikTok, said she worked 15 hours—a double shift—on her birthday, so she decided to wear a birthday sash to see how much she could earn in tips.

She kicked off her day by drinking two iced coffees before raking in a $100 tip from her first customer. Later on in her shift, she filmed herself with yet another $100 pinned to her sash. By 5pm, right after her first shift, Linhart said she had $375 in tips.

She filmed herself again at 10pm and said she was “really struggling,” so a regular customer of hers brought her a coffee from Dutch Bros. After her long workday was over, Linhart revealed how much she made: “$481 in cash, $408 on card for a total of $889.”

“So that was about $59 an hour,” she said.

Linhart’s video was viewed over 565,000 times, with many viewers sharing Linhart made more in one day than they make in weeks. “That’s how much I make in 2 weeks,” the top comment on the video reads.

Others joked that they’d have a birthday “every month” and encouraged Linhart to wear the birthday shift to every shift of hers.

Linhart seems to genuinely enjoy her job at Twin Peaks and often posts content related to it featuring some of her regulars. “Very blessed to have the customers that I do,” she said in the caption of her video, which is now one of the most-viewed videos on her account.

The Daily Dot reached out to Avery Linhart (@averylinhart3) via Instagram direct message.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......