Sunday, May 21, 2023



I have said it now ,.....and will say it  again .....a person who is vegetarian....... and  wants a  veggie  burgers   ....really wants  to eat meat ........ simple  fact ..... otherwise ........... why would you crave  a  burger  .....thats a mental fact  ......i am  a  vegetarian.......we are sort of  hypocrites  to apoint  ....but then so are  all human beings  .....  i have  tried many burgers.........  and   they are  just  not  good ......... on any level .............they  taste  nothing close to meat all ........meat is  riddled  with muirc acid ......... which is  piss /urine .......from when the animal dies  pisses itself ....... that is  what flavours/flavors the meat .........simple fact ........that......... and many other factors in meat  .......carbon monoxide .......veggie  burgers ........ do not have  the  flavouring process .....natural   obtained  through murdering an animal ........enjoy your pissless ...meatless  meat's not meat ......

The Truth About Burger King’s Impossible Whopper

 | Michelle Muller
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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......