Monday, May 15, 2023

PIZZA......PIZZA ......PIZZA.......


Listen.................. i am not sure about the rest of you ...........but the  best fucking food ever!!!!!!! comes in a's a  circle............ and served in triangles ........i mean FFS!!!!!!!!!  much more of  a mysterious delicious food ......... an one get other food comes like this ......ever .......think about it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  is the greatest food   is  delivered in a perfect   geometric form of  transports   ....can be stacked  ..........itrs truly the  fucking best  ever ........and the options are  endless  ...whatever  you desire .........the base food groups ever  ......god made and  invented the pizza  .....he had to other food is like  it .........only food second to  garlic bread ......washed down with red wine ........if you want to get nuts  ........

Pizza Pizza Pizza. Where Do You Come From?

 | Paul Abhishek
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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......