Saturday, May 13, 2023

MOTHERS DAY..........


Tomorrow .........Sunday....... is mothers  day all the others  days is  not as  bad as fathers  day ....because a lot of  kids do not  know ......who the fuck their  dads are .......( jerry springer...... and Maury   made a  career on this  deal ........billy/willy/terry/joe/fred/issac/...."you are not the  father ".......but the  difference is   with moms ....... the kids  has  a better  deal........

like most days ........they celebrate  always to here mind you to spend cash ........on a day that you  should not need to  remind  yourself........., that it is your mum .....and it is a  money making machine....... in America ........which is  not  a country's a business ..........we all know  the  American way ..........restaurants prey on these  days ........much like  valentines day ....and other stupid family related  days  ........the price goes up .....service remains the same  .........shitty .....but the price goes up valentines day ......... roses ....... double in price .........cut flowers..........  i hate  cut flowers ......they serve no purpose......... at all ........they will die ......better left in the ground ....i say ........ but then......... i do not  think like others ............ i just see what the fuck i see ....simple's the dumbest thing ever........... ........however .......... we  need  everyone to think different spend money to keep  jobs .......and shit ......and mothers  day ......which i think today's ...... mothers are not  the  same as  my mum ........ she was  a  tough old cookie .....but different times  today .......

However .......if you have to  be reminded  that a day is specifically designed  for your  mum .......shouldn't every day mothers  day............  and  they should be  treated with respect ........ everyday ....after all is  your mum /mom/Madre/mater/

and as always  ....when i do not cut and  paste ......a blog......... i always add a  random pic....for  no reason .....because i can .......

here is  a picture of my feet....... and  a duck at my world headquarters .......of www.internationalhippie,com.........enjoy .....or not !!!!!!!!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......