Saturday, May 6, 2023



Well today ....charles /king charles/chuck/chas/the big one.......  got crowned .........well...... as you probably know ........i likte the royals ....... but the pomp....... and  circumstance .....and such like parade  ........while  hundreds  die...... of  poverty and  hunger  .........makes  my blood boil ......but hey...... the masses ..........  take it in the asses  ,,......and as long as they do........  the powerful will keep giving it  to them in the  asses .......and they keep voting i say long as they keep voting .......they keep the corrupt in power ......and  they know....... as long as you vote are  part of the problem rule Brittania ....Charles will be king .....and the people will keep on getting fucked........ and  that's the way it is ......brits used  to stand up for themselves ....... but they are  useless  now  ......they put up with immigrants tking all their stuff  being fed ....while the old  die of cold  and  hunger and  shit .......and so  another day  a new king  ........i do not  think  UK will change will  just be a man instead .......of a woman running shit now  .....unless ........  camilla is running shit .......i like her  for some  reason .......i think she is  the  worst  blue blood ......a real brit ...unlike some of  the  pussies........  like harry in the  royals  ....what a wanker  he is ....... good riddance  Harold ........

I hope for the sake of UK......charles has the brits interest at heart ........and he is  a raging envoirmentalist  ,....might be a  good thing,......stop ruining our countryside's ....... we will see what the dawn of a  new day brings king rules.......  new ways .......all i can say as an  anglophile ..................GOD BLESS THE KING ........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......