Sunday, April 16, 2023



Florida is becoming like the wild west there is  no  concealed  carry laws.......... so any monkey and their uncle can carry a  gun.......this is all we need  with a  1000 cunts a day moving here.......well on the upside  .....hopefully .........all the idiots will shoot each other.......... and that will bring down the population ........maybe .......that's the plan .....let the  fucking fools......  idiots .......tossers....... shoot each other ........and the amount of  fucking idiots that drive like assholes here  ......the worst classless  drivers  .....ignorant fuckers  .....they do not even know what indicators are .....and the worst place is  boca raton ......old farts highway .......i never trust dads  ....they are miserable know you/they are  but  are  too macho afraid say it ....why because one  word  .........divorce .....yes divorce!!!!!..... is always expensive .........if you are like me  ......and single no kids  or   responsibility .......which is  great  ......because you never  need to worry about them coming back to........ you if you never had them .......the reason they got into road rage because they are angry ........and anger is inward depression ........and why .....well because they are fed up being dads  ....they say they are not ....... but they are ........that and a  gnarly wife .......

2 dads exchanged gunfire in Florida road rage fight, injuring kids, but only one got charged

Two fathers who got in what police say was a road-rage fight in Florida last fall exchanged gunfire and ended up shooting each other's daughters.

Now, one of them is facing attempted murder charges while the other won't have to spend another day in court over the skirmish.

William Hale, 36, of Douglas, Georgia, and Frank Allison, 44, of Callahan, Florida, were both driving home with their families on Oct. 8 after spending time in Jacksonville in northeastern Florida.

Both men have different stories about how the confrontation started but both agree that it was fueled by road rage, that they were brake-checking each other, driving too fast and that Allison's wife flipped off the Hales, according to police records obtained by USA TODAY.

William Hale is pictured in a mug shot the day he was arrested in connected with the road rage fight.
William Hale is pictured in a mug shot the day he was arrested in connected with the road rage fight.

At some point, Allison, his family members and an independent witness told police that Hale became the aggressor, trying to run Allison off the road, chasing him down and throwing a water bottle into his driver's side window.


That's when Allison grabbed his gun and fired, hitting Hale's 5-year-old daughter in the lower leg. Allison later told police he was aiming at the lower rear truck bed.

"After he shot, my daughter is screaming," Hale told police. "It was an instant reaction."

So Hale grabbed his own gun from his center console and emptied the Glock 43, firing seven to eight rounds at Williams' car, Hale told police.

One of the bullets hit Williams' 14-year-old daughter in the back.

"It hurts!" Williams' daughter yelled on bodycam footage of the incident.

"I don’t want to die," Hale's 5-year-old can be heard saying on a 911 call, according to WJXT-TV.

Both girls were treated for their injuries later at local hospitals and survived.

Frank Allison is pictured in a mug shot after he was arrested in connected to the road rage fight.
Frank Allison is pictured in a mug shot after he was arrested in connected to the road rage fight.

Who gets charged?

At the time of the melee, police arrested both men on attempted murder charges, saying they "intentionally committed an act" that could have killed the girls.

"The act was imminently dangerous and demonstrated a depraved mind without regard for human life," police wrote.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......