Friday, April 21, 2023

THEY WILLNEVER STOP!!!!!!!...........

 I personally........  have not understand....... coke/cocaine/chooch/bolivian marching dust/charles/snow/percy/nose candy/dust /.........its a narcissistic drug........ i have saw....... and had run ins with strippers........ who shove that shite up their nose a short lived  bang .....but its shrinks guys dicks......... and makes their palms sweat!!!!!.....women love it done off their vag numbs and gets them wacky ......  ....but it gets them high and  egotistical as fuck ......a lot of bouncers  use it ....they say they do not ......... but they do .....i used to know a  bouncer at the strippie........ and he  used it like  fucking god knows what ...they sometimes do a trail mix .......that is  cocaine /viagra / is big in Miami.......sometimes they chop it with pop rocks faster ........seen it in clubs  ....nasty as  fuck......... when you get to that stage .......

However.......... the brits have a  voracious appetite  for  coke .......i personally do not  get it ........ but brits go through millions of lines  every day wonder  the crooks are doing subs .........i myself  think there are  bigger in generals ....but  who cares .....  but  who cares  ....i just do not  know why the  govt   does not  legalize it .......they use  opiods ........that's worse  ....more people die from worse  ....let everyone from sandwich makers  to delivery guy  get in on it .......and  alcohol delivery ........people are  going to use it ......... whether it i  legal or not the stupidity of the human mind .......all i know the people .......who i have met high on coke........  have been real fucking douchebags....... of epic proportions  ........and  snotty as  fuck........ looking down on you  ....yes a cokehead........ thinking he is the shit .!!!!!!!.....listen .....all i can say is....... if you wanna  fuck up your nose ........ rot your should be allowed to ......if you want to lose your shit.........for  something that is manufactured with kerosene....... and  stamped on many....... many ........times ........god bless you ......someone is getting rich .......

But i have to say  ....150million bucks........ in a floating death trap ....i would not  be interested i hate submarines ......always thought they were  unhygienic as fuck.......and  hate sardines........ and the smell of them especially........ in a sub .....nowhere for the smell to go !!!!!!.......and then shitting toilet privileges  .........these guys must be married ...........and  have wife and kids  to support....... all i can think of ....... now i know  .........why would anyone .......wanna  live of  sardines ....... and  energy bars .........then you want to shite in a sub ......where a plakky bag........ (plakky is  slang for plastic )........ no sireeee......fuck ......but hey !!!!!!...... there will always be one desperate mofo....... wanna do some crazy shit.....anyways......... here for your  reading pleasure....... is  tales from a  coke sub !!!!!........i try and keep it different ....enjoy or not ......!!!!!

Cocaine smuggling submarine reveals Europe's drug crisis

Inside the cocaine submarine
Spanish police gave the BBC access to the "narco-sub"

I'm about to climb into the first "narco-sub" known to have brought cocaine from South America to Europe.

It's 20 metres (65 ft) long, carbon fibre and - remarkably - homemade.

After clambering on top, I lift up the wonky manhole cover and descend into the hull where three men survived for 27 long days and nights, as they voyaged across the Atlantic Ocean just under the surface of the crashing waves.

It's cramped, claustrophobic and incredibly primitive.

The sunlight tries to creep in from faint cracks in the walls. There are a red steering wheel, a couple of basic dials and a rusted key still wedged in the ignition.


You can understand why one prospective skipper took one look at the vessel and concluded it was a death trap.

Inside the cocaine submarine
Three men and $150m worth of cocaine crossed the Atlantic in the tiny submersible

The heat and noise would have been intense as the engine in the back of the sub burned through the 20,000 litres of fuel stored onboard.

The crew of two Ecuadorean cousins and a former Spanish boxer set out from the Brazilian rainforest and first travelled along the Amazon river.

They had energy bars, cans of sardines and plastic bags they used for toilet facilities.

That was about all they had. Apart, of course, from three tonnes of cocaine worth more than $150m (£121m).

But this was not a lucrative, covert mission neatly accomplished.

The sub's journey in late 2019 had been tracked by law enforcement agencies, including the UK's National Crime Agency (NCA).

After scuttling their vessel near the coast of Galicia, having ran into problems, the men were arrested and jailed.

A narco submarine in a car park in Spain
The homemade submarine now sits in a car park in central Spain

This piece of history in the fight against international drug trafficking is now a trophy in the car park of the Spanish police academy in Ávila.

However, it's not a rotting relic of a bygone battle: it's a symbol of a secretly growing phenomenon.

Just last month, another sub was discovered off the Spanish coast - again in the Galicia region.

"For more than 20 years traffickers have been using submarines to reach Africa and Europe, but these two are the first we've seized," explains Antonio Martinez Duarte, Chief Commissioner of the Narco Brigade in the Spanish National Police.

"They are very hard to detect," he admits.

"For more than 20 years traffickers have been using submarines... They are very hard to detect", Source: Antonio Martinez Duarte, Source description: Chief Commissioner of the Narco Brigade, Image: A Spanish police officer talking about seized submarines full of cocaine

In fact, it's thought hundreds of homemade submarines have been launched towards Europe, which is the biggest cocaine market after the US, and one that's growing rapidly after a Covid pandemic slump.

It's even said that in the middle of the Atlantic, around the Canary Islands and the Azores, there lies a mass graveyard of cocaine submarines, deliberately sunk after their cargo had been successfully unloaded.

Each covert mission would have been a huge triumph for the teams of mechanics quietly constructing their crafts in the depths of the South American jungle, mostly in Guyana and Suriname.

Here though, in Spain today, as part of the global trafficking war, it's the police trumpeting a big victory at their headquarters in Madrid.

"This is a very important operation," says Chief Commissioner Duarte. "It's the first time in Europe that we found as much as one and a half tonnes of base cocaine paste."

In fact, officers say it was the biggest lab turning raw coca paste into cocaine that they've found on the continent. But it's not just the size of the haul which is significant.

"This operation also confirms the links between Colombian and Mexican criminals that have joined Spanish gangs working in Spain," Chief Commissioner Duarte says.

Clearly proud of their work, the police have transported the contents of the lab into a press conference room to show local journalists.

The stench of the raw coca paste - like that of vinegar - hangs in the air.

The drugs-making process has been replicated, with barrels of chemicals, a microwave, a hydraulic press and scales - reflecting the journey from paste to final product.

On a table at the far end of the room are dozens of brown parcels, each the size of a house brick, emblazoned with a Superman logo - the symbol chosen by the traffickers who no doubt felt a sense of invincibility.

Packages of cocaine
The bricks of cocaine were stamped with the Superman logo

An officer leans over and whispers that importers pay €27-32,000 ($30-35,000; £24-28,000) for each parcel. They then at least double their money when they sell it on the streets.

The only limit on their profits is to what extent they dilute their drug with cutting agents, ranging from anaesthesia (which mimic physical sensations associated with cocaine, such as numbing of the mouth) to cheaper options like caffeine and glucose. But there are also other options, including de-worming medicine, normally used by vets.

This lab dismantled in the city of Pontevedra in the Galicia region was capable of producing 200 kilos a day with a purity of 95%, according to the police.

Along with the submarines, the lab is a glimpse into a narco-world which is expanding rapidly.

The United Nations drug agency says cocaine production increased by a third between 2020 and 2021, which was a record high and the biggest year-to-year increase since 2016.

One place they're witnessing first hand the surge in supply of the drug is at the port of Antwerp in Belgium.

The port of Antwerp
The port of Antwerp has become the gateway to Europe for cocaine smugglers

In 2022 they seized a record 110 tonnes of cocaine - so much that they didn't have enough incinerators to destroy it fast enough.

By some estimates, only 10% of the cocaine arriving at the port is intercepted with the rest going to the Netherlands for distribution to all corners of Europe, including the UK.

The head of customs at the port told me, with this tsunami of coke, they will never win the battle.

And this is a fight that has spilled over into murder on the streets of Antwerp. In January, an 11-year-old girl was killed in a gang shooting linked to the cocaine trade in the city.

Belgium's Justice minister Vincent Van Quickenborne has been living in and out of a safe house for the past year after police uncovered an alleged plot by Dutch criminals to kidnap him. A car containing firearms was discovered outside his house.

For one of Belgium's top investigative judges, Michel Claise, the cocaine industry has spiralled out of control.

"With money laundering and corruption... how [can we] have any control on criminal organisations? ", Source: Michel Claise, Source description: Belgian investigative judge, Image: Michel Claise
"With money laundering and corruption... how [can we] have any control on criminal organisations? ", Source: Michel Claise, Source description: Belgian investigative judge, Image: Michel Claise

"It makes an absolute fortune for those we call narco-traffickers," he says, when we meet near the enormous Palais de Justice in the capital, Brussels.

Mr Claise says with their wealth and influence the gangs are now dwarfing those seeking to deliver justice.

"With money laundering and corruption - which is now limitless in terms of the sums that can be offered to dockers, police officers and other people - how do you want us to have any control on criminal organisations?

"It's over," he concludes.

Belgium's cocaine crisis is Europe's cocaine crisis, and the UN is now warning rival international gangs are working together like never before.

It says after their success on this continent, they'll soon be branching out into Asia and Africa in their pursuit of unlimited riches.

Additional reporting by Bruno Boelpaep

You can watch "Cocaine: Flooding Europe" on BBC iPlayer shortly, if you are in the UK, and on BBC News this weekend

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......