Tuesday, April 25, 2023

LIKE IT OR NOT....... YOUR CHOICE ........


Like i have said .....many....... many....... times ........i do this  for  a conduit ....as  face book ban everyone....... and  everything ....if it  does not  fit their  weak ........servile liberal .........repugnant ...agenda .......so i  come here  to  rant  rave  and post whatever i find   ...that you may or  may not like ........

If like i say ....it only takes  words  to rattle your cage  as they say ......then the problem  may be  a lot  deeper  than you already thought ........

words are only words  nothing else ......actions speak louder  ....word....take it....or leave....actions you cannot  .....that's the difference ........if i was to be  affected  by words  i would have  grown up  .......and  ended  up married and  miserable .......i had to use that as an example .....families use word  to manipulate and  control their kids  .parents  lie and  use  words  to control religion uses words of guilt ........you must have heard ...the famous one  .....jesus died for your sins.......this is guilt in  the form of  rhetoric .....and i you are  shaken this is how  the catholic religion  uses  rhetoric against a conforming mind ........and then the parents  who are miserable  use the same rhetoric to control their kids  ...why should they have fun .....they most do  as  they do ......this is how  you get these small minded  little towns  .......in USA  and  Uk ......breeding stalls  we  call them  .......well that is  what i call them  ........well anyways actions speak louder than words ..........and all i am doing is sharing my thoughts ...... attached to media bullshit ......believe nothing of  what you hear......... and only half of what you see !!!!!!!.......says tony soprano ........sounds about right ........you do not have much to work with in this life ......it is not  fair !!!!!! .......it was never  fair..........you make your choices!!!!!  ....that's it .......some are born lucky ....some not !!!!! ........but you have to make the best of  what ya got ....... (a little haiku there folks ...)

I will keep posting shit .....good ...... bad ...... ugly .....Bio's .......truth ........ info .....whatever i can find  on the world media.........a stage to amuse you .......  even if  it changes  your  day a little........ helps you laugh a little  .......then i have done my job!!!!! ......well it is not a job .........i do not get paid......  fuc really .......i am literally giving you a piece of my mind ......

You may find from time to time ....spelling mistakes .....no commas ....... and  all sorts of  non english  language bollocks ........it's  how i deliver  my rhetoric ......i blog how i feel ........not to appease the grammar  cops ........who are just  fucking assholes....there is no right way to do anything   ......do anything anymore .........so enjoy or not ....... with spelling mistakes  .......we can't all be perfect......... and our shits don't stink ........those are the worst people ever !!!!!!!!.........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......