Saturday, April 22, 2023



Well in case you have  just  come into my world hippie .com is  basically a  rant place  ....where i will strive to give you rants/blogs/raves (no not club raves).....bios/insults(even my self)/info /strange/weird (same thing).......facts/historical.....blah.....blah.....etc....etc i have said  ....please understand......  ..none of  my shit is planned  .........i search .........and if i like what i see ....... i post it  .......with  what i am thinking at that moment .......i have no script....... .planning.........formatting.......its straight from my brain......... to the platform....... for your pleasure whatever i am ranting  about ....and it may be insulting to ....... segments/groups/affiliations/tribes/cultures/societies/games/sports/people /globe/....whatever ....they are all open for insults.....even my self ....i accept that i am a toxic male pig .....and will embrace my normality .......which is  normal .....people that pander........ and fold to others.......  are  weak ....when you get older will realize ....all these fuckers that pretended ....friend/family/workers/buddies/mates/etc...etc.......only cared about themselves and how you could make them feel better  by your's a fucking fact ,.......

All i can say  .....people are miserable  ........becasue they will not  think....... an do for themselves ....... because .......they are brainwashed....... and  told to do by others   look at marriages ....a fucking total scam .......parents tell their kids ......."bring me grandchildren" ....get married .....they do not care  all they want is grandkids it...... or not ....... it's the fucking truth ......i never did do any of the family shit  ...because what i saw ruined it for me ......for real ......sickened  me  badly ......right !!!!and when people are playing  happy  families........... i am suspicious as fuck!!!!! ......and  usually the underbelly........ they are mooching of  parents ........ who are helping them out ........with money  ..........seen that shit with my own  eyes .....struggling with bills.........  but appearing  happy .......struggling   .....oh no not  us ,,,we are doing great ......but usually.......... parents are  paying their shit make them, look like they are doing good ...........they would not like them to appear like they are struggling....... because they want to brag and .........boast .......their kids are doing great in marriage .........they usually struggle with car payments ........and  stuff ....... so they chip in ....they would not want the  embarrassment of their kids......  cars  being repossessed .......they cannot  boast about that at family gatherings no sirreeee bobby .......

Anyways so if you feel you came in here and you were  offended  by something i posted ......believe it or not it is only the truth .......some like it  ...most hate it divides and  conquers  ....especially families ......... the worst liars  ....and parents medal winners nothing is planned please enjoy it or not  ......i try to keep it  as  clean as possible that's a fucking lie .....many more  is to come  ...because there is no end  to  all the bullshit  out there .......

anyways as i like to rant i will alway post a few  random pics of my life  where i i am /do/...........

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