Wednesday, March 8, 2023



Well i like muffins especially with  coffee and  especially the ones  females have .....thats another blog another  day ......however i think i have found the perfect recipe for you  or  anyone .....i am too lazy to bake muffins  ....i would rather go and pay a  couple of bucks......... for one  rather than spend the time .....why !!!!!! may ask ....well you may ......because i am a  lazy cunt !!!!!!........single guys like me do not bake  ....we  buy its  cheaper the time i shop for the shit  to make it   it is not worth it ......buying is cheaper ........ let some  fucker do all the  work ......being a bachelor ....... we  do not  bake.......  who do we have to bake........ for one  GF....only gay guys bake  for  other  guys /dudes/females/parties/entertain........single guys do not  entertain  ........we  just buy shit .....not slave over a  hot stove .......unless you are trying to get laid ........ at some stupid dinner party .....not gonna happen ........

 fuck no .....mum's no mine's is gone buying is  the proper way to get  muffins.......but for you married slaves....... and people who like to impress  others ....... to get them to like you .....and such like  bollocks .....and for you fools ....... who spend  all your time  cooking...... and  people eat it in  15 minutes .........and it turns to shite is a  muffin recipe for  you ......enjoy or not ........ 

These Are Some of the Best Muffins You Can Ever Bake

No matter how full you are, there is always space for dessert, especially if it is as delicious as muffins. Muffins are the perfect dessert for those looking to satisfy their taste buds with just a little sugar. Here is an amazingly easy-to-bake recipe for you to try.


● 2 cups all-purpose flour

● 1 egg

● 3 teaspoons baking powder

● 1/4 cup vegetable oil

● 1/4 cup white sugar

● ½ teaspoon salt

● 1 cup of milk


Step 1:

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F. Next, either grease a muffin tin that has 12 cups or simply line the cups with paper liners, whichever is easier for you.

Step 2:

Take a large bowl, add flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder to it, and mix it well. Keep mixing and create a hole in the middle of the dry batter.

Step 3:

In a small bowl, add an egg and beat it. Add milk and oil to the beaten egg and whisk it. Afterward, add the beaten egg mixture to the large bowl with the flour mixture. Don’t forget to mix the whole batter quickly but lightly with a fork until it’s perfectly moistened. The trick to determining if the batter is ready to be baked is to check the lumpiness. Now, take the muffin molds and start adding the batter to each of them. Remember to fill the cups only 3/4th and not completely.

Step 4:

Place the cups or tin in the preheated oven until the tops spring back when lightly pressed; they will take about 25 minutes to bake.

Variations to Try

For variations, you can add 1 cup of fresh blueberries or finely chopped raisins to the batter. You can also try date muffins by adding 1 cup of finely chopped dates. For a fresh twist to your regular muffins, try adding grated cheese to the batter. For all the bacon lovers, try the bacon muffins for which you require ¼ cup of crisped bacon in small bits and pieces.


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......