Wednesday, March 15, 2023



Listen............ all this bitch needs to do wear these  baggy grey sweat pants  ....pull her  hair a  crazy menstruating women ...... no make up .......and  boom guy will want her  ....what a  stupid ass  self absorbed  religious  idiot........ this  bitch is .......she has  dropped a  kid ..........  so her satchel is  shot  anyways!!!!!!! are not that hot  !!!!!!!once you are a  mum and shit out a kid lose  your hotness  ....once  a  mum then you are .......  dropped to a MILF ..........should not have to tell you what that means ............bangable of  course .......but please  once you are a dad  lose a  coolness of  sorts become a  dad  ..... ......what an idiot........... but then her  husband is insecure  ...if they are so religious ........ they are not leaders ......... that are followers ......listen you  either lead .......follow  ....or get out the fucking way ........

I do not  believe in religion ........i am not  a  follower of  anything  ....if i cannot  see it ....... touch it ...... then it does not  exist.........simple simple  dolly dimple  .........but hey ........religion is a  great business......... especially amongst the  lesser  educated  ,......look at all these pastor  fuckers  .........they prey on the  not so bright/dull/uneducated .......and you know if  a bright man  follows the  man......... he does it  for  alterior motives  ......and ...... do not  roll your  fucking eyes  at me........ like you do not  know  fucker !!!!!.......i lived in arkansas  ....jonesboro ......the bible buckle of america  ........the most religious........ rich ....... phoniest cunts......... that knuckledragged the planet ......fake  religious wankers.........  used it for all sorts of  bizzo not bull shit a bullshitter  ....its  my game  .....use it or lose it  fucko .!!!!!!....this woman is  a insecure  fucking  bitch  just wanting attention ......i have met these insecure  bitches ........ they are like  used needles at a junkies  house  .......lots .......she is  just  wanting attention ...........of course she is a  chrsitian blooger .......tells you right there .......well i am not  chrsitian i am a blogger  ,,,,a truthful blogger and  real .......and tell it like it  is  ....and  if you understand the  basis of  christianity  you will know .....,,,made for  masses  to brainwash asses ......listen there is something ............  but i will tell you  chrsitinaity  is  not it ........oh!!!!and  veronica admitted she was  jealous  ...well jealousy .....stems for insecurity .......which   stems form  inner  self loathing .....which stems for hatred  .....and anger ......i do not make  this shit up  go look at medical  journals ........

Oh!!!!!and  by the way i  love  yoga pants ........ they show  ass  /moose knuckle .......aka camel toe/......which the  great ........ upanishads *if you do not  know  what a  Upanishad is .....) would  be  shaking in their graves /vaults/tombs/coffins/burial sites/......etc.....etc .........only america could  take something and  violate it ........thanks this time ......

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“Hard not to look”: Christian Wife Vows to Stop Wearing ‘Lustful’ Yoga Pants and Leggings So She Wouldn’t Entice Men

Veronica Partridge, a Christian mom and wife from Oregon, went viral when she was 25 after writing an essay, “Why I Chose to No Longer Wear Leggings.”

Though the post was first shared in January 2015, it is still intriguing because it raised many important questions.

The mom of one gave up leggings and yoga pants because they cause men other than her husband to think “lustful thoughts.” Additionally, it said that this clothing item “creates a stronger attraction for a man to look at a woman’s body.”

The woman from Bend, Oregon, was five years married to Dale Partridge, an SEO and motivational speaker.

Veronica said that she was not telling people what to wear, but it was inspired by conversations she had with friends. She was sure in her decision after Dale admitted that it was “hard not to look” at women wearing yoga pants.

That is why Veronica made a “personal vow” to wear thin, form-fitting yoga pants or leggings at home, not in public. In the post, she revealed, “The only time I feel (for myself) it is acceptable to wear them is if I am in the comfort of my own home or if I am wearing a shirt long enough to cover my rear end. “

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She also wanted to set an example for her daughter, as she wrote, “I want her to know her value is not in the way her body looks or how she dresses, but in the character and personality God has given her.”

This brought the mom of a toddler lots of attention, and she appeared on “Good Morning America” and was featured in numerous publications.

While many accused her of “sl*t-shaming,” Veronica insisted her conscience was clear. Many Christians also asked her how she felt about wearing a bikini on a beach, while others told her that she was shaming victims of assaults.

One person shared, “How about you learn to control your thoughts? Why do women constantly need to make it easier for men?”

Another chimed in: “Or you know, we could all just wear giant bags over our bodies with only our eyes exposed.”

Talking to “People” later in 2015, Veronica said, “I was never trying to start a movement or try to tell women how to dress.” She added she was “just sharing my personal decision on my personal blog.”

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Veronica admitted that she was jealous two years before this post went viral. After attending marriage counseling at the couple’s church, she wrote, “I learned that most of the arguments initiated by myself were because of my ridiculous jealousy, being unreasonable, and passive aggression.”

A writer and founder of “No Shame Movement,” L.P, said this attitude only further objectifies women.

Talking to “Refinery29”, L.P. said, “The church is still heavily invested in policing and controlling women by making them believe they will be considered ‘respectable’ if only they follow XYZ rules.”

The writer added, “If they don’t, they are responsible for whatever happens to them.”

Some bloggers responded by writing posts, “Why I Chose To Keep Wearing Leggings.”

Where do you stand on “lustful thoughts” and clothing items like leggings or yoga pants?

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......