Sunday, March 5, 2023

never lend a stripper money

 Oh!!!!!.........i had to post this ........strippers ........  and man lending her money ......who the fuck are you kidding give strippers money........  for  a lap dance .......or as i would like to say flap dance.. .......every loser guy that goes into a strip clu......... .....belives he is in a relationship with these  coke  chicks ........they are  all banged up....... from fucked up relationships........ daddy issues ........and bad up bringing's  ........that's   why they are strippers .......and we love them ........pig men love  strippers  what's not to like about them........are you  crazy eat most strippers love coke .......hate men .....they are usually ........ rug munching/carpet chewing/pussy licking .......or in  a  relationship and   give the  losers  guys an idea they might be the one  long as they pay for a  dance .........listen .......i saw the strip clubs  for years....... i used to drive a friend to them .....and get in free....... and  watch the girls  fuck over  ...... lonely guys .......there is no shortage of lonely....... insecure...... men .......  looking for  a chick to talk to  ......i mean what the fuck is  wrong with you is cheap  .....but not in a strip club it's not !!!!!!! .......seen  guy's spend  thousands and thousands  of  cash ........those strippers/dancers/entertainers they like to call themselves .......will sit and listen your tales of shit  ...woe  garbage  , long as you buy a  dance....... get them a  drink's  like a  wife....... you are not  fucking can fuck them ......  in some VIP rooms's gonna cost ya !!!!!for sure  ten dollar  BJ's's a lot more .........those are called special dances the VIP rooms........  seen it .......smelled it ... it this john guy.....aka....... sugar daddy  is one of  the many  .....who fell for it !!!!!!!.......strippers  do not  care give them do not  lend  them  .....that's like  borrowing a heroin addict......   heroin and  expecting to get it  back fucking putz.......rule of thumb  ....never lend  anyone money .......ever  ....not even a  friend give the money  and,....and if they return it are in good  shape .......most likely no fucking chance.......

Wall Street sugar daddy who fell for Manhattan stripper sues to get his Gucci scarf back and $125,000 he loaned her when COVID shut her club

  • John Leahy is suing Aline Luz Dunga and her mother for $125,000 and a Gucci scarf he leant them over three years
  • He claims in a suit that he believed he was in a serious relationship with Dunga and helped her mother pay for cancer treatments and her state taxes 
  • Eventually, Leahy says he wised up and asked or his money to be returned, at which point they stopped responding to him

A Wall Street financier is suing a stripper after he leant her hundreds of thousands of dollars and a Gucci scarf when COVID shut down her club.

John Leahy, of Union, Michigan, filed the suit against Aline Luz Dunga and her mother, Annalu Gomez, in Manhattan Supreme Court on February 24, alleging that they never paid him back the money he leant them over a three year span.

He claims in the suit that he fell for Aline Luz Dunga when he first met her at her job as an exotic dancer, and thought they were in a serious relationship as he spent $125,000 to help her through the global pandemic.

Leahy also claimed he once leant Dunga his Gucci scarf, which she never gave back, and helped pay her mother's cancer treatments and Massachusetts state taxes before they stopped speaking with him.

John Leahy, a Wall Street financier, has retained Cesar de Castro (pictured) to represent him in a lawsuit against a stripper

John Leahy, a Wall Street financier, has retained Cesar de Castro (pictured) to represent him in a lawsuit against a stripper

Leahy claims he believed he was in a serious relationship with Aline Luz Dunga when he leant her and her mother $125,000 over the course of three years

Leahy claims he believed he was in a serious relationship with Aline Luz Dunga when he leant her and her mother $125,000 over the course of three years

According to the lawsuit, obtained by the New York Daily News, Leahy set up a sort of stimulus package for the struggling stripper, lending her money on a regular basis for 'maintenance.'

He also spent several thousand to help Gomez, Dunga's mother, pay off her state taxes and cancer treatments Documents obtained by show Gomez had a history of defaulted loans in the past. 

In total, he says, he doled out $125,000 from 2019 through 2021, believing Dunga would eventually pay him back and that they were in a serious relationship.

'Between the years 2019 and 2021, [Dunga] made false representations that she and [Leahy] were in a legitimate relationship to induce him to make payments to her creditors for her maintenance,' it explains. 

He is now suing for the money back, as well as a Gucci scarf he leant Dunga like the one seen here

He is now suing for the money back, as well as a Gucci scarf he leant Dunga like the one seen here

But the money dried up when Leahy finally realized in August 2021 that Dunga was only interested in his cash, the lawsuit claims, at which point he forced her to pay back $10,000,

Just a few months later, in November, though, Gomez borrowed $6,000 more to pay off her Massachusetts Toll and Excise Tax, and borrowed another $8,000 shortly thereafter, the suit claims. 

She allegedly never paid Leahy back for that money, and soon she and Dunga cut off all contact with Leahy while ignoring his pleas to refund the money, the suit claims.

He is now asking a judge to force the two women to pay all of his money back and return the scarf. has reached out to Leahy's attorney for more information.

It remains unclear whether Dunga or Gomez have retained lawyers who could speak on their behalf.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......