Monday, March 6, 2023

HARRY THE GINGER TWAT .................


Prince harry does not  deserve shit from the king charles .....he broke the golden rule .......the momachrstic rules ........everyone knows the power of the royal family .......and of  course they need to have some sort of  rules ......regs........ and  privacy ........i mean i grew up with the queen ruling  UK  .....t'is a shame she died .......... all brits ........ loved the queen .........the true real brits ..........not the second  generation pretenders....... or  people  that  were not  born true brits was just how it is  .........i feel like a lot of  brits ......... blessed  to have such an amazing  thing  .......that most countries  do not  have ...........but harry ....... was  a traitorous loser ......he know the gig .......... born into  aristocracy cannot  change what it is......the  royals are the royal .......he knew his responsibility........ being a prince .........i personally think......... he is a  jealous twat ........second born son ....not really that much good .........  after all ........he  has like an 80 year wait  ...........kate and will are next ......... and  they have snatchers/crumb snatchers /kids .......fridge raiders .....window lickers .....dustbin lids ..........and they are next......... so harry has as much  chance of being a king.......... as me getting a blowjob from his mum ........yes !!!!!.......she is  gone  ....but  either or ........if she was  alive  ......still no fucking  chance  ........either  way's just a metaphor........ i am using to  describe his chances ....none .......and he married a none english b rated actress  bint ..........whom....... no one  likes ......and she  said shit .........she should never have said .......against the  jelly /jelly bean /the queen ......that fucked up their chances .......... and it hurt charlie/chuck/the king .......  ....whom he  loved mummy dearest ..........listen .up !!!!!.....any guy ........ who loves  his dear mamma ....... would not  take those rumours lightly .......especially royalty harry   sewed himself up .......  good  and proper .......i seriously do not know what he  was  thinking........ marrying a mutt/non english /blue blood  .......he must have known   i mean........ he is not  that fucking stupid........ surely......... he was educated in the  finest places  ............seen the world ........ done the  he is light in the excuse dept.......listen personally .......i think he knew his momma/mater/mum/diana/di/princess ......was clipped /killed /offed/done in/bumped........ she was  excess to the family............ she had the  cream buns/sons/princes/child/royal kids............and  she  was starting to  irk the  upper  level ........  she knew  the gig  also........   but  wanted to be a  rebel  .........the peoples princess  ........that shit does not  fly either ......she married chuck/the king .......knowing the protocol too .......they all know !!!!!! ........kate knows what the  deal is  .......she chugged out the  snatchers/brats lids/pups.......... and  that's the deal's a man's domain........ the  monarchy ..........and they get into knowing what the deal is all families ........... fucked  up ........all families are  fucked  up......... no matter how rich they are  .......seen it in my own family........ non-stop fucking  bullshit  ......that's why i am single ........and  have no kids........ wife........ or  fuck all .....not  worth the  grief's all Venner  bullshit....... to impress each other ........ and  the  jealousy  between sisters is  fucking  retarded ......

I hate family related  horse shite's all a lie .......all of  it  ........... jealousy ........hatred  one getting more  attention that the other  ........

And this is why harry is  a cunt  ..........he is  too far down the totem pole  ..........and  is pissed ........that's what i think personally......... and  he knows  his dad  clipped his mum ......well  nothing i can do ......or him   ....he cannot prove  it .......and he  did what he did for  spite/revenge/payback........well he is going to pay the price  for  his yapping they say ........loose lips .........sink ships .....and life is like fishing  ....if you open your mouth at the wrong time are going to get caught .......

I personally predict ......harry and meghyn are  going to  get  what's coming to them  for  betrayal.........

and i am sure many real brits will too !!!!.......just a matter of time ..........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......