Friday, March 10, 2023



I totally hate this shit does not do a  thing........just fucks up all your life ......../day/things to do /sleep/doing shit you know time is manipulated for the reason of business ....... by them ......well who are they /them.....the big ones/the powerful/the ones that run shit/......we all know  that a very small powerful %age...... leads the world .......if you don't know .....then you head is up your ass.......the very same people that runs  all the important shit ........time was not always there  it was  manufactured .....for sole purpose of  finance .......and for you to get  brainwashed into ........its a fact's why people get jobs to work per hour  otherwise  how would capt's of industry you do shit .........if no one had jobs would we need  time .......and we did not  need to buy houses /cars/things/food.....etc ....etc ....makes you wonder.......if you did not  need a  job .....would you need  a watch or clock ...........

The Bizarre Origin Story of Daylight Savings Time

 | Krystle Richardson
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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......