Tuesday, February 14, 2023



Well you should know by now i am going to rag on this dumb fucking day .......only devised  for one sole purpose.........money .........the average male spends about 200 bucks/clams/flims/dollars on a day ......for the girl he is already banging ......that does not make sense to me .....if you already porking /banging/plugging/yhentzing ......so another day it will cost ya an extra 200......... on top of your  bills .......call me crazy......... but it does not make sense  ....the only cunt that makes out on this day is  the flower shops .....whom i despise/card makers /those bastards at hall mark......who make cards  for  any occasion.....chocolate makers ........ whom i do not mind......... you get the  50 percent off  next day .......and the  stuffed  toy fuckers ........ which end up in a  cupboard or  garage sale .......dumb as fuck .........but if you are in a committed relationship .........you should not need a  day to bang/pork/fuck /plug.......you should be porking at  least 4-6 times a week .......i would think so ........ what's the point ........i know stop rolling your eyes .......and fanning yourselves you did in the beginning ..... you acted like a whore in the first moths   but that was  entrapment ......to get you reeled in because your dick rules your head ........

america makes day so it can sell beer food and make money ....it does not make days for you its a  business   ....america is not  a country its a business  a corporation pure and simple ........just telling the truth as always ........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......