Monday, February 27, 2023

jennifer and ......the wrinkles .......


Listen all women lie ........they just hate to get caught......... and j lo is in front of the camera........ all the time ....i am sure when she is sitting having a dump/number2/mistermagoo/kheik/crap/shit.......she feels normal make........ up taking a crap ....... i am sure she feels human ......then she has to glam up...........and then get all made up  ...she does not  want anyone to see the real jen ......wrinkles and all ......but j lo  cannot  be real if  she does  she will lose millions of  fans and  that milliopns of  fans  equals to money .......she is onto money  .......she says she is jenny from the block ......but apparently rumours has it ........the peurto rican is a cheap  ass  son  of a  coffee grinder  ........and now  look at this the filters .........are off .....wrinkles  she is  53 years old  women ......... cannot  stay young forever ........... unless they are selma hayek  .......but  .........she does look  good for  old........  but then she is mexican ........them woman  age great........   and  look at  sofia vigara .....although i have yet to see her untouched  ......hey jen is  still hot  ........but  ben........ will trade the  wrinkles for  sprinkles  ....think about that .....younger he will get sick of her........ like marc anthony did .........mark my words......... i am just letting you know .........hear it here ......wrinkles for sprinkles ..........

Viral TikTok Shows Off Moment JLo’s Face Filter Fails And Some Of Her Wrinkles Are Exposed

 Jennifer Lopez smiling in Shotgun Wedding
Jennifer Lopez smiling in Shotgun Wedding

There are celebrities, and then there's Jennifer Lopez. The pop star/actress/producer has been an A-lister for decades now, and is showing no signs of slowing down. Aside from her various talents, Jenny from the Block is also known for being basically ageless. Although a viral TikTok showed an off moment where JLo’s face filter fails, and some of her wrinkles are exposed. Celebrities: sometimes they really are just like us.

In the era of social media and Facetune, the use of filters and editing on images is super common. We've all slapped a filter on to make sure our good side is showing, and it turns out that even the iconic Jennifer Lopez does the same. A viral video has been floating around TikTok which seemingly shows JLo's filter briefly deactivate, revealing some lines on her forehead. Check it out below:


Did you catch it? For just a moment it looks like the filter on Jennifer Lopez's camera stops working, revealing that she's got wrinkles just like so many of us. While this might not have been what JLo wanted to show to the world, it actually has the potential to be a relatable moment for the 53 year-old global superstar. And regardless, she continues to be #goals in the way she's aged.

Filter or not, Jennifer Lopez has absolutely radiant skin, and there are plenty of folks out there trying to get adopt any skincare methods she has. Luckily one can purchase a skin serum from the "On The Floor" singer herself called the That JLo Glow Serum. One of the serum's biggest ingredients is an olive oil extract, and it seems to be really getting the job done for the Grammy nominated powerhouse.

The above TikTok is making the rounds online, and is also getting a ton of responses. And the vast majority of them aren't criticizing Jennifer Lopez, but raising her up. Many of them talk about just how stunning she is at any age, such as:

All I see is she's gorgeous!

This TikTok is perhaps another example of the way that JLo has been watched closely by the public. She and Ben Affleck went viral while attending the Grammys weeks ago, where her new hubby was looking less than thrilled to be there. Experts even analyzed their body language and read Lopez's lips from the broadcast.

Aside from looking absolutely beautiful, Jennifer Lopez has also been making a ton of headlines lately thanks to both her professional and personal life. She broke the internet when getting back together with Ben Affleck, especially once they eventually tied the knot in Las Vegas. She recently celebrated the release of Shotgun Wedding, and has a deal with Netflix to produce and star in a variety of content. And that's not accounting for her ongoing status as a pop star. In the meantime, check out the 2023 movie release dates to plan your next

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......