Saturday, February 4, 2023

NO WAY....................


I am not buying it  ....if you are a prince  ......someone  ......way ......way hotter takes your flower .....unless you are a  ginger twat ....of course  .......then it would make sense ....but then look ay camilla  she is not hottie point being  being....... a prince is a right of  passage to get hot babes  always should not be banging plain janes  ........look at kate ........ smoking hot classy.....look at mehgyn ...self absorbed   not even b rated actress ........and apparently a total bitch in real life go figure ......or am i expecting to much from royalty ....maybe i am  .......i mean if you area  prince ........then you get the  best ,,always  .......thats part of the  job ........

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: The story of Prince Harry losing his virginity became one of the most talked-about passages in his bestseller memoir Spare, triggering a global guessing game as to who the unnamed 'older woman' who treated him 'not unlike a young stallion' might be. Now, that woman has come forward to share her version of what the Duke of Sussex, 38, memorably called an 'inglorious episode'. She is Sasha Walpole, 40, who had known the Prince since her days as a groom at the future King Charles' Gloucestershire estate, Highgrove. At just over two years the Prince's senior, she is much younger than most of the women whose names were suggested in the frenzy of speculation about her identity. Today Sasha reveals it was Harry who made the first move, leading to their 'spontaneous and sparky' sex in a field behind The Vine Tree pub in the Wiltshire village of Norton. And, in a touch of farce, that his bodyguard was out hunting for him in a borrowed Ford Fiesta at the time. 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......