Thursday, January 5, 2023



As you know  i have no love for the chinese ....lots of asian culture i like ........but chinese no !!!!!!....they are repugnant....... servile ......thieves america .........only worse ......they have no respect for any live on any level ......they are a  mass of weak .........low........ self worth ....... brainwashed masses..........   scared of  their country  afraid to stand up ......and their govt  rules through fear....... deception........ and  of  course  pure and utter shite ........i hate chinese made products ........ but cannot  find  any american made ......... because of the lazy bastard ass work force in this country ........ and  the disgusting....... subhuman ....... corporations......... that are run by CEO.s .......who are  ruthless........ repugnant ....... human beings ........ they do'nt  deserve to be called that ........slugs i say ......

Chinese electric vehicle catches fire during Guangzhou Auto Show


An electric concept car went up in flames during the Guangzhou Auto Show in China.

Images and videos of the incident have been circulating on social media since the Chinese electric vehicle parked at the show's IAT Automotive display caught on fire on Dec. 29, 2022.

It is not clear whether the fire started from the concept car itself or if the fire had spread from another source.

However, the fire was extinguished and the display was quickly repaired. No one was injured in the incident, according to reports.

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IAT Automotive released a statement on WeChat to apologize to participants and exhibitors for the incident.

According to IAT Automotive, which is a research and development company that designs and supplies core parts to major automotive manufacturers, the “booth accidentally caught fire” during “construction" and the cause of the fire is currently unknown.

The company also noted that they are “actively cooperating with the Guangzhou Auto Show Organizing Committee to investigate the cause of the accident.”

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The Guangzhou Auto Show, which started on Dec. 30, 2022, will continue its showcase up until Jan. 8, 2022.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......