Sunday, January 1, 2023

the greats are dying


every year we lose great musicians.......never can be replaced ......those musicians were monumental in the world of music .......trend setters .....icons ....musical geniuses .......and what do we have to replace them with ........mostly vanilla  artists........ there area  few  good ones   ...but not like the  slew of the greats we had in the  60/70....but the sixties and seventies set the  foundatoions for music ........

and now 2023 ....we have vanilla  artost who are just churning out   auto tuned shite ......with a  beat box ..........but then todays  listeners.......  have no idea  ....thankfully with the re birth of  vinyl....... it has  helped   younger  people undertsand greatness is where i do have massive viny collection ....its  my  collection of  greats  for the discerning vinyl enthusiast .....

Eventually all the great will pass and we will be left  with a  vanilla conveyor belt of   just auto tone....and beat box and  now  rap is infusing in country .....and  other  genres ............there are a few  great rappers  .....but not  many  .....most or them  thrive of auto tone .........

Or maybe i was just brought up spoiled on real music........ made on 8 tracks played on an entertainment Centre......and my ears are used to great music ........thanks to my dad ......whisky...... and vinyl ....... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rock on brother!


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......