Tuesday, January 10, 2023



The anerican dream ......it's gone........ you donkey brained assholes .........voting for a mentally........ unbalanced........ old  guy  .........with fucked up deliverance ........looking eyes  .......corn pop !!!!!!!.....who the fuck is corn pop !!!!!!is joe talking about himself as a bad guy ..........who we all know  has lost his fucking marbles  .......how could you vote for democrat....... what the fuck is wrong with you people   .....americans are embarrassing ......your education level is  just above Morrocco .........did you know that!!!!!! ...well it is ......... and  here is a prime  example of your work  unfolding ......look at the price of all goods now   ......do you realize....... it's almost a dollar an egg.......i do not eat them  ......... so i hope you suffer for voting ......or starve ....... i do not care ....... we  were doing fine ......... until you dumb fucks put an x on a piece ofpaper ......... which is  all you are capable of  really an x......that shows you  ......an x  ........to  vote in an old fucker who is fucking up shit ....thanks joseph " hairplugs "corn pop" biden .......you are being sold out........ as you sit there  munching on your  fucking burgers....... and  fries  .....(.genetically modified of  course )........and your demise is   being planned  right under  your  stupid nose  ........your kids  kids  will be paying for the american  dream .....

Long after your stupid  dumb ass corpse  has rotted in the ground  .......you left your kids with a  legacy of  debt  ......... because you are a  stupid fucker  .......but you did not see that .....all you care about is your fat ass .......joseph did nothing for you ......but laughed at you....... as  you signed  aways your  children's .....children's life......that's a fact .........donald was right  ......but you could not see the field for the trees .....this is what every fool does ........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......