Friday, January 13, 2023

8 billion people

Officially there are 8 billion people on the planet......... I feel personally myself that that's 7.5 billion to many......... consuming ......... Shitting......using .........drinking.......... fucking...... I mean .........don't get me wrong ...........I am not a great lover of....... human beings on any level............. never have been ........never will ...........I personally think most people just fuckers on any given level..........and I am no ambassador ......for the bi peds that knucle drag neither........but then j never said I was ....... But seriously do not think we can sustain that much people ........I mean .......something ghss to give......look at all the shit right now weather wise ........and I think personally no one gives a fuck and the people that do give s shit ......are way outumbrted by the servile.......repugnant......uneducated .....poor their world ......and selfish greedy grabbing .....materialistic .....image driven non envoitmrntal caring fucks ..........8 billion people ........well two thirds of that isvghird world .......and the saddest part of that to me is ........the poor and undernourished and starving ........keep having kids ......I will never understand why poor as fuck hungry .....broke ......uneducated poverty stricken people get the will power to fuck. ..........if you broke as fuck .....starving .......have no cash .......and I am sure as fuck your wife does not look that great do you get a mister chub to knock her to fuck up ...........I see these poor broke poverty stricken families 7/8/9........even more kids .......totally struggling .........what the fuck were they thinking ..........I am broke maybe I should have one more bewilders the be Jesus out of me .......I never wanted kids for the simple reason I would have had to work all my life sir that seems s servile thought ......and even when the fucking kid is of legal age to pork .........they come back with another fucking kid ......and you end up mostly in general supporting or being a babysitter's a fact ........once the kids are 18 ......that's it you should be free paid the price .......but it seems today .....that is not do seems to be worse are moving back to their parents .....with their kids ........fuck no .......however .......that's just how I think .......but then like I say .......I am no brand ambassador for the human race .........but something has to give .....I think on  the food chain is going to collapse  and water supply and the poor are going to suffer badly ........the rich .........nah they will just use the impoverished to build a better survival for them the expense of the poor like always ................that's just the way it is ......and always has been

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......