Tuesday, December 20, 2022

why !!!!!!!!!!!


Every now and then .....i like to post the reason why i do this ........well because its  the last frontier i can speak the truth .....unlike these  paycheck assholes on face book...... and instagram ......you pay someone enough .........they will do  your dirty work for you  .....that let's you off the hook   ..don't blame the rich man for all the shit that happens  .......it's the people they pay to do their dirty work  .......why....... they have to work ....they have no choice  ...they have wife and  kids to feed  .....they will tell you ......i  have no choice........ i have to work .......i have a  wife and  kids  .......so at the end of the  day  .....it's women's fault for all that is happening .......i love stirring shit up  ........listen when you have no kids  ...no  responsibilty  ....you get to chose your  existence  ....when you have  wife and kids  ....your  choices are not  yours  anymore  ......and you are somone  elses   bitch  ...it's a fact jack /jim/joe/james/billy/will/fredo/whatever your name is .......well the fact is i do this  becasue i think peple  need to  hear  what i think is the truth .....i hope   i just post what i see ........ and  like to  add  jest....... frivolous  .......toxic....... swearing and  sometimes  barefaced truth .........on how  stupid people .......and  cultures  beliefs  are  .......really the  stupid shit  human beings  do  on this planet....still in essence ..we are  all different on different platforms  paths .....and ithat  is what makes  us alll loonies .......the worst is  cultures ...no one  has figured  out yet they are cultist  ....hence the  word  CULTure.......brainwashing  ....and  macho pride infused with some  religious  mind  laundering  fortifies those  cultures  .......for profit of  course .......think about it.....or not   ......go to some religious gatherings  and  look closely ....they all look the same  ...think the  same  ..... and at the end of the day  ...this is all for money  ........look at people  now  they are  more  brainwashed  by the  media and  social media  ...enslaved  to it   ....and they do not realize they are ........this is why i am always banned  from  facebook they hate the truth .......but i will be  back and  banned again and  again .......enjoy my website  or not  ....i do this  becaue of what i see and  how i feel about the  bullshit of  life  .....if you sit down and  think about the stupidity of life  ....its  a joke .......and yet some people  take this joke too too way too seriously .......you are not  getting pout of  here  alive  ....simple fact !!!!!!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......