Sunday, December 25, 2022

sodium bastard.............

 i hate this guy  ....for one main reason only .....he treats his  staff like shit ...........rumour ....... has it  ........he has kept the staff tips  .....paid the lowest wages ......and  other  violations  .....yet he lives in a  36 million pound home  does nothing   for  rich people puts them in a  bad light ....... the fact i am  vegetarian and  hate animal cruelty   does  no propel  to much like him any further ......than  reallyy hate him ......there is no such  thing as  a humane  killing of  an that is  fucking bullshit right off the top matter  how much  you spoil the animal .......death is death ,.............however  back to this guy  he lives in luxury  while his staff  get  shit   pay that not  all bosses   fucking over  the  staff .......however  .......on the flipside it his fault thata the  staff are going to work for peanuts  ......they could leave .......or do they have  a wife and kids  to feed   also is he the bad  guy .........that's a  sticky one  .....they could leave  .....if they wanted  to the job sucks  ....certainly no one is holding a gun to their heads  he is  just its a  double edged  situation ...........

TO diners at his restaurants, Nusret Gokce cuts a charismatic figure - hanging out with celebs and tossing seasoning over £700 steaks with his signature flourish.

But the flamboyant Turkish chef - known to his millions of followers as Salt Bae - had a humble upbringing with a family so poor he had to drop out of school when he was 10.

Nusret holding a hunk of meat covered in gold on the Greek island of Mykonos, where he has a restaurant
Nusret holding a hunk of meat covered in gold on the Greek island of Mykonos, where he has a restaurant
Celebrity fans include David Beckham
Celebrity fans include David Beckham

Here we look into rapid rise of Salt Bae whose fans include David Beckham, Christiano Ronaldo and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Butcher's apprentice at 13

The son of a miner, Nusret was one of five children born and raised in a small poverty-stricken suburb just east of Istanbul.

His family took him out of school after primary, due to financial pressures, and he was forced to work from a young age.

At 13 he was taken on as a butcher’s apprentice, working long hours in the Turkish steakhouses for the next decade before moving to Buenos Aires on a mission to learn more about meat.

He worked for nothing in the restaurants, dreaming of eventually making it as a chef in the US.

“I was always wishing and wishing to open up a restaurant,” Gokce told NBC News.

In 2010, at the age of 27, he got his wish, opening the his first Nusr-Et steakhouse in the Etiler neighborhood of Istanbul with just eight tables and 10 employees.

After meeting Turkish businessman Ferit Sahenk, who was so impressed with his meal at the restaurant he offered to invest, Nusr-et opened various locations in the Middle East including Ankara, Doha and Dubai.

Nusret (centre) was born into poverty in Turkey
Nusret (centre) was born into poverty in Turkey
The butcher's apprenticeship set him on a path to fame
The butcher's apprenticeship set him on a path to fame

Sexiest butcher on Instagram

Nusret’s Salt Bae fame happened almost overnight in January 2017, when he posted a 36-second video called Ottoman Steak on Instagram.

The clip shows him slicing a boned steak then performing his trademark move - with his hand shaped “like a cobra” and rock salt bouncing off his arm onto the meat.

Bruno Mars tweeted the video, which instantly went viral and gained 2.4million views overnight. It has now been viewed 17million times.

The move - and the classic white T-shirt and black jeans that would become Salt Bae’s working uniform - was born and earned him the title “sexiest butcher on Instagram.”

"All of my feelings are coming from inside of the meat, down to when I put the salt onto the meat,” he once explained.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......