LISTEN UP !!!!!!!!! ..........they say behind every great man lies a great women ......that amigos is a pile of shit......its brainwashing bullshit ........ if that's the case.......... why are all the successful men getting divorced ......... and why is it....... when your best friend gets married......... you have to let him go ....becase his wife gets jealous ......been there done that ........ you cannot have the same friendship after your boy gets married .........harry was never really fine ........he was a always a pussy ..........always unlike his brother ......... who has king credentials ..........meghyn.........has some hold over him ...i think she has no gag reflex ...........and swallows him whole .......otherwise ....he would read her the riot act .......harry knows the monarchy deal william .......... and this is why kate is duchess .........she is perfect for her role as like charlotte too ......listen every brit .....real true brit ....knows the monarchy deal .....its part and parcel of being in the royal family .....pure and simple ........we all know diana was clipped ........she could not leave ....she knew what the hell was going on's like a job cleaning toilets go i knowing what to do ......or banking .....or cleaning dead bodies .......or working in a chip shop cannot change years of tradition can......... but it is not going to be good outcome .........the fact is brits like tradition's what makes brits brits.........i personally think harry is jealous of william ....all the time ...he got shat out last ........second son .......
Glad i never had a brother ......who the fuck needs a brother .........sometimes they can be worse becasue ........there are always family troubles always ........i grew up in trouble in my family ....always some shit happening with two sisters ......and my dad never got fucking peace ......never .........we were fine until........ the sisters got married and trouble of all kinds started's the fucking truth ....if it was not religion was something else ........i just got fucking sickened......then the kids came along ......... and that was it .......dysfunctional family time .........all families try to play happy families .......and i do not believe in perfect families ,.........its horse shite ......all families i know have some sort of fucking black sheep ....or some shite going on ........Harry is that bastard ..... weak.....trator....... son .......... he knows what happened .....he knows the rules .....he told meghyn too much......... about the wheels that turn the royal machine .....and she is nothing but a mutt ........not a brit outsider's a fact she is no blue blood .....and an actress......that alone should tell you all you need to know ...... and that is what the monarchy is blue bloods .......years and tears of fox hunting....... and death............ and affairs and shit .........just the game baby ......just the game !!!!!!!!!.................but in tis game ...players get clipped
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