Tuesday, December 20, 2022



One thing i hate is rules  .....well mostly the ones on the  media ....social media ......and in john wick they say....... it's what separates us from animals ......funny thing though  ...animals have more respect than human beings .......whom i prefer over human beings  any day  ...animals  only kill because of  food ........ dominance....... and  laws of the jungle ........

Human beings on the whole....... are just fuckers  they will simply kill  for pleasure .....or fun/entertainment....... not survival ........that being said ........i do not want to stray from my subject of  why i am ranting ........you may find from time to time ...irregularities .......spelling mistakes ......no full stops ........and of  course my series of  dots......this is just what i like to do ....why ......well it feels like i am taking a breath when talking .......i hate all the  spelling fuckers ....... who nit pick .......those fuckers  are usually admins ....... for  jack off corps .....or corporate paycheck whores........ who are brainwashed .....like facebook .....whom i loathe  ........i am not  sure  who i hate more   mark zucherburg .....or his employees ........hate is not a  bad  word  by the way  ........those who hate  ...love better than those who cannot  hate .......its   passion.......its opposites ......

so if you read my blogs ........ and like them  .......thank you !!!!!!.....i mean it .....i just love   getting stuff off my mind  ........and i have so much shit to say  it never  ends  .....but  as for those  grammar cop  bastards  ...i simply hate you ......you are really nauseating fucks ....it's only words  ........do not take life  so seriously .......really  ..you are not  getting out of  here alive  ......so fuck you karens ......if you do not like my shit......and usually....... someone with a grind ...... or not  getting fucked  is  angry at what i say ......oh welly well oh fucking well .......unless you are paying my bills and giving me thrills........then bollocks .......


by the way here is  a picture of sunset where i live  ........you are welcome .......as taylor swift says .......you need to fucking calm down .....well she did not swear i bet you she wished she could  ...been a more fun record .........but people need to calm down ......life is  not that bad !!!!!!!!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......