Thursday, December 8, 2022





Every couple of weeks/months.........i like to put a  disclaimer in here  ......just to let you know  ........that i post in here for no reason's not about money's because the wankers  and staff at places like facebook........ is run  by a bunch of  uncultured fools and idiots  on  such a level  ....they have no sense of  humour................   let alone  understanding of  jest and  frivolity ........they are probably over paid  wankers........  who are book smart ........ nothing else ....... not street smart ........ they get paid  to watch things ......... and  judgement ........ based on their simple mindedness .......and a paycheck of  course  to  meet the liberal  needs of the  cupcake mentality ..........of  liberal and  social media ....... and non understanding of the real ........real world........i saw the review board on face book........ and  would not wish them to be parents on anyone  ............i certainly would be embarrassed to have them as parents .......they look weak .......and very  .....submissive  ........but when you  are getting  6  figures .......and  have no choice ........... because you have a  wife and kid's.......  responsibility............(which is highly overrated  for the masses and  brainwashed ) will sell your soul like a hooker on  some  boardwalk in atlantic city ..................

I hate  atlantic city ........... it's a shit hole's a kind of run down  ....crime ridden  corrupt  mafia driven ........cold ........nasty  .......old looking place ......... where the  architecture is  back to front    ....if  you think about it ......the people that designed it were  shit  architects .......that's my  view  ........but   degenerate  fucking gamblers ...... will gamble on two rabid racoons fucking .........they do not  care......... that's the  degenerate  mentality they do not  care  .....atlantic  city ........ is just a fucking bunghole of  humanity .......the only good thing  was opening night .....of  Donald trump's  taj mahal if  he opened it in  vegas would have survived .........but  atlantic city a  poor mans  vegas .......a really broke ass poor mans las vegas  does not  even come close to a resort........i mean in comparison.....atlantic city is in new jersey overpriced ....and tax saturated  island .......cold as fuck in the winter........i have been to atlantic city a  few times  ........obviously for  free........because i would never ever........consider spending a fucking dime on a shit hole like that was designed for gambling ..........but Donald  had a few casinos in atlantic city ........probably because of  some  new york connections........wink wink !!!!!!! wink ......nudge ....nudge  ...we all about new york and  doing business in construction is not  much better   but not as bad  as  new york and  the mob .....say no more .......but  that's  been that way and that is  how it is  ........and shit seems to get done in the end ..........

However my disclaimer is to  let you know  .......places like facebook and instagram.....and  twitter ....(hopefully mister musk will free the liberal shackles that binds )...........those platforms........ like a lot of  platforms........ are pussied out ..........and  run........ and  censor  ......and  goad you into ......saying stuff  by posting shit ,........facebook is a  repugnant........ servile ..........low life platform ......... run  by and  with a mass of  uncultured over paid  tech geeks's the truth have kids  who   live with their mum banning you ........they have no culture sense or  depth at all  they  .....they cannot  know  cultural humor    they just assume  everything is  bullying   to them  because  of  their  liberal minds and  weak look at reality's  not  that serious to take life   and  get  offended at everything   people say ............the weakness is  abhorrent ........and  is  spreading  like a  monkey virus........they follow each other........... like lost lambs   ...because they like fashion.......... is  for  the  low self worth........   style is for the pioneeristic the ones who are not  afraid  ..........and those........  my freinds are  very ........very ........and i mean very few .........and  far between .........the difference between style and  fashion is style cannot  be  bought  fashion can be bought off the rack or  anywhere ...........

If you do not like the truth .....jest .......frivolity on a dark level sometimes  sick ....and devious .......then this place is not for you belong with the pussies at cupcake central  ......snowflake station ........e.g....facebook .......or similar.....enjoy or not   i simply do not  give a fuck are not  paying my bills  ......

                          l' chiem

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