Tuesday, December 13, 2022

CRY ME A RIVER !!!!!!!!!


cry me a  river pussy !!!!!!!!! ........like he was the only  brat/asshole/mofo/dick/singer/star/....... .....struggling with depression and such like   ....every day  ....people  jump off bridges /buildings/rooftops........etc...... etc ......what about me!!!!!!.......what about me !!!!!!!!......iahe these  self  absorbed   cunts  look at  me  i am   too pretty  to  be alive   my depression i am too talented  to be  alive   ......me....me....me.....dick.......look at the  27  club ....its  a choice  to off/kill/top.....yourself .....no one  will respect your  dumbass   .....yes you can sing the  world of  music is  full of  these  cunts look at nancy and  sid  ......hendrix  ,,,,amy winehouse   ....joplin  ....you have  the  choice  to sing till you  die of  old  age  ....look at the man in black    died  old  of  broken  heart  but he   fought like  a  banshee  ....kurt  cobain was  a  fucking coward ......... like all them  fuckers.......... who  want to die  ........here's a  fucking newsflash   douchebag !!!!!!!!! .....none of us are  getting out of  here alive  ......it's  just time  when you   are ready  they will let you know  ....but to kill  yourself ........  because life is  unfair  ........you know what is  not  fair ..........the pubic hair that circumvents the hut sack of a  silver backed  gorilla    ...suck it   up pussy !!!!!!  

What's the rush you have to stick around and   annoy  every cunt .....that's why i have this place   ......i don't  do this because  i love it .....actually i am lying  like a  fucking a congressman .......who has  been  caught in a  underage sauna .......in a third world  country ........because the servile /nasty/repugnant/asshole/dirtbag/shithead/weak/insecure/low self worth/mooching /ucuktured/asshole/simple minded /cupcake/froot loop /sissy /pussy ......menatilty....of these   facebook  employees   ban me for  everything i say ....... they only like unicorn  pussy cotton wool  talkers......... who are afraid  to get banned on  face book ........ because they care what their family and  freinds  think of  them .....i don't  ....... GFY .....if you do not like what i  have to say .........then here is  a simple  rule  .....FUCK OFF!!!!!!!......... if you are a  weak  mummies  boy //////// or a bitch  i  have no use  for you.........  simple  .....honest.......... truthful ......at least i am free .....not living  like a  bitch ........or   pussying out because you are afraid .......cannot  be trusted ..........kurt corbain  killed  himself because he was a pussy .......  in USA   soldiers   commit suicide  every hour  ........ due to  uncle sam.........  thank you  ........you  fucking asshole  .....those  are the  real, victims .......... not  kurt  cobain........ these  are ture  sufferers .........  for  what serving a fucking  country  .........

The Troubled Life of Rockstar Kurt Cobain 

 | Ish Bautista
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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......