Listen i have been a bar steward /tender/alcohol paychologist's a job ...where you get to see...... and listen to the most wacked out........ fucked up confessions....... and see the most bizarro shit ....been there ........banged a bartender .........they are not great to date fuck .....well yes of course !!!!!!......all the shit happens when alcohol is involved ...sober people i are boring .......yes .......... add alcohol to any party/gathering /festival/.......especially festivals and parades fucking awful shite gatherings usually is made up of people ........local people....... driving their cars ........and floats ......and a kazoo band ....... and some god awful marching bands ....some gazebos .......with local business hawking their shite .....shite food ...... of course and of course alcohol.....and they ususally charge for this day ....and what do people do drink ......and eat ......mostly .......i mean .......i have beemnto so many festivals .......and i could fairly say ........they mostly fucking blew ...but then i do not have wife....... and kids......... and pretend families ......showing of kids and shit .....but hey !!!!!!.....that's what its all about ........
Anyways barkeeping/tending .....yes been there saw it depends most bartenders now....... are hot young chicks they pull in the barflies/drunks/macho fools/jocks.......whom all think they have that window of opporchancity .....of pulling a barkeep........sometimes ........if you have game /money/bugatti/connections/loaded....and old will pull a bartender ......nut you need all above ..other wise they do fine .......i have seen men at the bar with a bint/stank/skank ho/mistress......kissing and eating and drinking and stuff and shit .......then maybe........5 days later showing up at the bar with his trouble .....trouble and strife ....wife .......and butter would not melt in his piehole ........funny ........but a bartender will not rat you out why .......TIPS.......of course........not loyalty ..does not exist it the universal bartending world ........i have been in many levels in the so called hospitality industry .....dishwasher /bartender/salad chef/waiter's a fucking nasty business of cheating...... stealing ...... and many .....many ......mnay other things ........which i have seen that are humanly unacceptable in places .......and....the average jo public ........ thinks he has game ........ and waiters and barkeeps like him .........they do not ...they ;like tips ....the more the merrier .....grease the palm boy !!!!!!its a business of tips .......simple dynamics ....... they are doing the job for tips......... like strippers /dancers/entertainers.....its close to the reality show that john taffer's.......... BAR RESCUE........ does ....where he hides cameras....... and watches ...... the shenanigans of drunk owners ...... and bartenders .......theiving /drugs/alchohol/.........but as we all know we go as long as there re drinkers .....there will be bars and restaurants .......serving alcohol's a drug .....and it hills so many people on so many levels ...even the unborn........but it is not going away any time soon ......and neither is bars .......enjoy ...slante......and i guess it culls the population in some unking/kind way through drunk driving/liver damage/fetal alcohol syndrome/ i guess we can sort of mention the usual suspects below .....
jack daniels .....
johnnie walker.....
captain morgan......
jim beam.......have you notice mostly guys ........oh well i forgot the rest .......those are the most pop guys .......
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