Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Fucking hell i mean FFS.............


you know there are certain things in life that are nt  worth the bother  ......and this to me is one of them........listen .....since the rise and rise of social media the........ clowns every single one has stomped onto the media circus stage.....i think my self it's a need to be liked  ......however you got to get to be liked .......honestly i have never  wanted to be  liked....... only by my parents...... and  maybe as a  kid......... but i always  had a  sinister underbelly of why ....not sure   but i think i was a bad kid ,.....but the desperation for fame now  has reached the lowest bowels of  humanity on such levels  i cannot   comprehend or  compartmentalize its   bracket ......the need for attention is  unreal ........i mean to eat this much pepper .......why for  recognition ......is this his only claim to fame .......hey girls /or guys/women/men/child/trans/pan/omni/mother/father/......look what i can do!!!!!!! ......i know  he must pay the price when he shits  ....that's gotta burn like a   fucking guy fawkes  bonfire ..........for real ......if it burns going in  ....it's  going to  burn  going out .......laws of   dynamics ........he just looks totally fucked up in the cranial region ......is this the only way you can get chicks  ....or  dudes   or whatever  people are into these  days and  let me  add   nothing surprise me ......that's  just a sidenote  to this  nuttiness...............but look at that madness on his  boat ......boat race ......face .......i simply cannot even fathom  that  i  gag at  hot peppers on a   sub........so this would not  work out for me  ........so as they say in  blackpool england   ......."aye lad....good luck chuck'..............


California man eats 10 Carolina reaper chilies in 33.15 seconds


Nov. 7 (UPI) -- A California man with a passion for hot peppers earned his latest Guinness World Records title by eating 10 Carolina reaper chilies -- the hottest peppers in the world -- in 33.15 seconds.

Gregory Foster completed the mouth-scorching challenge in San Diego about nine months after earning another Guinness World Records title by eating three Carolina reapers in 8.72 seconds.


Carolina reapers, first grown by Ed Currie of the PuckerButt Pepper Company, are known as the hottest chilies in the world, registering 1,641,183 Scoville Heat Units, the method used to calculate the spiciness of food. Jalapeno peppers, by comparison, typically measure 2,000 to 8,000 Scoville Heat Units.

"The good thing about reapers is the really bad heat doesn't kick in for about 30 seconds or so," Foster told Guinness World Records. "It's when I stand up and start chugging milk and water and everything, to go through the post competition phase, that the heat really kicks in."

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