As i do like coffee shops ......and such like dining establishments 4 star bollocks ....they are usually over rated places ......with the food art bollocks .....i am not sure about the rest of you .....but i am not impressed with the guy that brings a morsel to my table ....saying its fucking food and its a couple of veggies.......twirled on the plate ....with some au ju bollock sauce .....and charging me 35 bucks .....just because the chef is called maximillion pierre franciscus st croix the III.....and the waiter is some mincing fuck wit pretending he is top of his game ......listen i know good food ....i do not pretend to bo some fucking connoisseur.......but i know horse shite wrapped in fucking asshole sauce a mile of .....and the worst is the pretentious cunts .,....asking me ,.......or telling me .....bottled water ....sparkling ...still or tap .......listen up .....if you are running a 4 star...psuedo food court ........and cannot afford a filter to serve your patron decent water're a cunt .........all that food you class as art or whatever it is you serve ......turns to shite at the end of the evening .........
And living on florida to find a decent place is awful ....most cooks/chefs are drunks .........druggies .......or some sort of addicts .....i know i have been there ........done that ........worked in fine places ......a waiter in a 4 star........ is not different .....from a waiter at denny's ........ they are serving you food ...... with a more expensive smile me i have seen it with my own eyes .......not pretty ......all the food you get in a diner the same purveyor or close to's just food....and all food places are trying to save money they can fake a steak ...seen that too's easy ......bottom line ......if they can get a profit they will ...once you eaten it's gone will be shite in a few hours ........that's the game .....most people cannot taste the food really ......only 2 percent of the planet is gourmet go figure........they do not care trust me ...its one of the lowest businesses i have ever been .......and waiters really hate joe public ....can you blame them a bunch of druk fuckers ordering them around ....... a waiter or bartender will pretend he lke you or even pretend to be your friend long as you tip him good ..otherwise you are just another tip in the jar of life ......boca raton florid is the worst for these loud mouthed....... new aged...... young men .......that screams ....... and the loudmouth yups ........throw cash around ........but the waiters only want a nice tip .......i have been there seen that too i have been both sides of the fence .......its not pretty .......they just want to finish and leave ......restaurants are pretentious .....the simple formula of burn them and turn them's not like the old days it's a business of real estate square footage .........maximizing profit .........over people's the truth ......they do not want you sitting all night........ holding up the table .........unless you are buying dessert and wine ........once you are finished ...... they go to make money .....if you are sitting there....... and finished they want you gone the next fool can fill that empty seat ......and start all over again,.,.........
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