Saturday, September 3, 2022

prison sex

 am i missing something here ......if a man bangs another man in the ass .......its classed as gay ...right .......quote me if i am wrong  ....but don't all prisoners bang men on men  stuff .......even though  its non consensual.....or sometimes it is right ....... every movie ever made in and about prison is about male raping and suchlike......... anal  activities  ...all prison movies  ....i thought that was prions life ........ men banging men .....female prisoners ........ not sure how they do  ....but  being a hot blooded  staright male  ..........i find female prisoners .....doing females ....... hot!!!!!!!!!  ...but only if they are hot  ....because i am shallow fuck ....and do not like see ugly women  pork each other  ....sorry ........ but  that's  just  how i think ......that might be  a prtoestant up bringing .....but anyways ....i just assumed  that all men went to prison and got bange in the shitter  ...that was prison life banging men .......not  sure  why  ....but  if you are a hardened  criminal ....and you kknow  one  day you are doing clink/prrodge/time/bars/ have to knwo some guy is wanna bang you in the shitter  .....even if you are hard as fuck ....there  are loonie  who like   men who are hard  i would have thought .....i just thought  prison  life  ...was  about  getting locked  up....... and raped...... and shit....... and stuff and things ....

Gay Man Killed in Texas Prison

Prison fence
Prison fence

A gay inmate in Texas who died in prison was murdered and did not die by suicide.

The death of Justin Levi Galloway, was a “homicide” resulting from “ligature/asphyxiation” according to local KJAS which obtained a copy of the autopsy report. On August 5, Galloway, 42, was found in his cell with a noose around his neck at the Gib Lew Unit in Woodville. His death was initially reported as a death by suicide, but his family told local media that Galloway told them he feared for his life behind bars.

“The level of malicious demoralization my brother had to endure is unspeakable and should never be inflicted upon any human being,” Galloway’s sister, Sarah Frodge, told the Dallas Voice.

She said Galloway, who was in the last year of a five-year sentence and due for parole, had recently written her saying the prison guards didn’t value his life. His body was found on August 5 with a noose around his neck, as well as a puncture wound to his neck.

Galloway’s death was initially ruled death by suicide, but the family was always suspicious. Following an autopsy and investigation by Justice of the Peace Jim Moore, the cause of death was switched to homicide.

Frodge told the Dallas Voice her brother endured beatings and abuse from other prisoners, and the guards looked the other way. She described one incident where he was denied food by other prisoners.

“When my brother called out that he hadn’t got his tray, the officer proceeded to tell him, ‘I didn’t realize faggots ate anything other but dicks.’”

She also spoke of how prisoners would ejaculate on his food, steal his belongings, and subject him to repeated beatings leaving him with “black eyes, busted mouth, and nose, even broken ribs.”

The investigation is now being conducted by the Office of Inspector General, which told local FOX affiliate KFDM that the case is “under active investigation” but is presently not ready to be “presented to the special prosecutor’s unit.”

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  I really  did not give  a fuck about the  song  .......i mean.........  cher is   totally fucking  epic....... and  all .......but ..........