Saturday, September 17, 2022

out of bad comes good


you see ....out of every bad  comes  good ....yes ....there is a drought and people are suffering water!!!!!!! .....and such like!!!!!!.......but hey!!!!....there is some monolithic bollocks over there .......and  a pile of  fucking stones  from way ........way .......way back when i do not  feel  as  bad  right anyone ....... apart from  archaeologists ........ giving a flying rats ass...... about the stones .....and ...... suchlike monolithic bollocks ....... and  will they become tourist traps....... and  make money ....while people set up hot dog carts........ and  such like t shirt  stands  .....just a thought as i am 1/237th jewish....and like business a good man should oi vay!!!!!(i eat bagels so that means i can claim a small part of the jewish heritage/culture right !......)....some are thought to be  before 5000 bc.......does that mean before  catholics......not sure!!!! ...(just fucking with you) anyways might be a tourist attraction you know how some people travel miles to see a bunch of fucking rocks and shit .......its justa  though thats all know how it is  ....something is found  and then its turned into a money thing ......

Europe's severe drought is unearthing ancient artifacts from 'Spanish Stonehenge' to Emperor Nero's bridge

The Dolmen of Guadalperal, sometimes also known as "The Spanish Stonehenge" is seen above the water level at the Valdecanas reservoir, which is at 27 percent capacity, on July 28, 2022 in Caceres province, Spain.
The Dolmen of Guadalperal, also known as "Spanish Stonehenge" is seen above the water level at the Valdecanas reservoir, on July 28, 2022.Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images

An intense ongoing drought is shrinking, lakes, streams, and reservoirs across Europe. One unexpected side effect: It's revealing long-submerged traces of the past.

Since early 2022, Europe has experienced an extended period of unusually high temperatures and severe lack of rainfall. By August, 47% of the continent was in drought warning conditions, which are marked by a lack of soil moisture and negative effects on vegetation, according to the Global Drought Observatory. Andrea Toreti, a senior researcher at the European Commission's Joint Research Center, told Sky News in August that the drought could be Europe's worst in 500 years.

A growing body of research, including the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, suggests droughts like the one sweeping Europe are becoming more intense as climate change pushes temperatures to new extremes.

From megalithic monuments to ancient bridges, sites and artifacts continue to be unearthed by the 2022 drought in Europe.

A prehistoric 'Spanish Stonehenge' reemerges in a reservoir in Spain

The Dolmen of Guadalperal, sometimes also known as "The Spanish Stonehenge" is seen above the water level at the Valdecanas reservoir, which is at 27 percent capacity, on July 28, 2022 in Caceres province, Spain.
The Dolmen of Guadalperal, which is normally underwater, in Spain's Valdecanas reservoir during a drought, on July 28, 2022.Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images

In late July, receding water levels in Spain's Valdecanas reservoir dropped to 28% percent of its capacity, revealing the Dolmen of Guadalperal, dubbed "Spanish Stonehenge,Reuters reported.

"It's a surprise, it's a rare opportunity to be able to access it," Enrique Cedillo, an archaeologist from Madrid's Complutense University, told Reuters. Cedillo wants to study the resurfaced monument before it is once again underwater.

The Dolmen of Guadalperal is made of dozens of megalithic stones is believed to date to 5000 BC. It was discovered by a German archaeologist in 1926 and is normally underwater thanks to the creation of the reservoir in 1963. Since then, it has only become fully visible four times.

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