Monday, September 5, 2022

OH welll well oh well !!!!!!!


I am finally allowed back on the repugnant ....... servile ...... ignorant platform ....... Facebook ...... that and Instagram ..... only good for linking ...... my rants ....... because the whole ....brainwashed ... staff at face book who are culturelesss and ...... ignorant to honesty ....and truth ..... and probably mooch off their parents ...... which useless weak kids do ...... it stands to reason ....... they work for Facebook because ..... like most corporations ...... they love to employ .... low self worth people ...... who are infused with self hatred ..... usually stemming from parents buying them love ...... instead of giving them real love ....... you know these parents ...... work ..... work ..... work ...... and just buy the kids love ....... it's easier than putting the time in ....... however ..... when you give a weak person .... or self loathing insecure individual ...... a job ...... a paycheck ...... and a position of make believe power ...... you have a dangerous employee ....... like the bastards at TSA...... those are some of the most servile human beings I have set eyes upon ...... but they are probably ..... wife and kids ....... and have to work ....... at stamping shit ...... or stand at a Plexi glass podium ....... directing brainless ..... travellers ....... like the fuckers behind the glass at govt offices ........ you think those bastards enjoy being behind glass for 8 hours ....... think about how mindless your life is ...... or even worse .,..... waking up ..... driving miles and miles and miles ..... to a corporate shite hole to sit in a cubicle ..... and lie and listen to Karen's and cunts all. day m...... it's fucking mindless ...... yet there is no end to the people who will do these jobs ...... and corporations know ..... there is enough mindless low self worth ..... unhappily married people ..... have to do this job ...... they know it ..... it's a numbers game ..... and as long as people ...... don't care the govt doesn't either ........ never for one moment ..... think you govt cares about you ....... the only time they care is for one time and one time only ....... that day when they want you to stand in line ...... and vote ....... that's it .... it takes about 5-10-15 seconds to put an x in a box ...... yet you can wait hours ...... like a fucking fool to put an x in a box ...... and that's all they care about ....... after you put your x....... they could not care of you dropped dead ....... that's the harsh reality ..... it's the only time they care ........ it's a fact jack ....... anyways ...... thinking any entity gives a flying fuck about you ...... you are sadly mistaken my friends ...... sometimes not even family ...... however I forgot my real bone of contention here ...... it has something to do with the repugnant platforms that call themselves social media ........ all it's done is bring out the beast in humans ....... and the saddest part is human beings have adjusted their lives to be controlled by social media ....... I can't say this on there ..... or I can't say that ...... because people might not like me ..... mind control ..... you don't know it ..... but they got you locked in and controlled with friends and family ...... you don't want family and friends knowing the real you ........ I don't give a fuck ...... it's why I am here and free ....... not pussing up to an image to please others ..... who at the end of the day ....... don't care ...... they say they do ..... but they don't ...... they come first ....... it's a fact ....... but I have said this many many times ...... and people disagreed ........until it has happened to them ...... so now I just let them find out the hard way ........ human beings .... on the whole....... do not like taking advice ....... they ask for it ....... but rarely put it in motion ......... just remember....... this no one can think ..... act upon.... or do what you do ...... we all differ in strength .... emotional capacity ..... fear ..... and of course results and outcomes that may end up unpleasant for one and not the other ...... depends on mental capacity and strength..... and ones ability to accept consequences for actions acted upon delivered and executed ....... so when I need to take care of something I do it my way ...... because someone may not see it the way I do ...... simple ...... you live by your decisions simple ....... and your mind capacity to operate ..... may be too powerful or emotionless ...... for some who cares more than you do 

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I LIKE TAYLOR BUT ,.........

  Listen .......i think taylor  swift talented......  smart ....... and  of  course ......  very ....... very.........  and i mean.............