Friday, September 9, 2022



Listen !!!!!...maybe i lack moral fibre .....i was traumatized by my older sister.....annoying the fuck out of my parents.......which she did on a constant daily fucking basis ....with her bastard children wrecking my parents house ..... with her psychotic mentally imbalanced bullshit ........however i grew up not wanting family orientated bollocks and beliefs ....and ended up with a bad taste in my mouth towards family in general .....marriage and all that entails a family unit .....i eventually left  .....because i could not stand the shite every day ......arguments etc....etc....etc..........

However fast forward..... many....... many ........many years........ until now and the whole thing about family death and funerals ....are all a pile of shite to me ......most of all the way human beings piles of flowers on flowers  ....which wilt and die .....pretty fucking symbolic huh ......fucking teddy bears  ....i do not get the correlation ....between dying .......death ......and teddy bears .........balloons there is a chance know they go up ....representing angels maybe!!!!!!! ....or  heavenly somewhat !!!!!,........but i hate balloons ....they remind me of used car dealerships........ and old cars........ and greasy second hand car sales man........ who smells of old spice!!!! ......or clowns! ....whom i despise .....i think they are borderline alcoholics......  or  druggies  ......who prey on kids .......and use clownery to  peddle ...their sinister life ......but hey !!!..........that's just me ....after seeing my mother and father tortured for years .....everything else is a carnival .......don't get me wrong family life was great with my mum and dad  .....until kids  came along .......grandkids are a  fucking night mare  ....that's all i took away from it ....spoiled a gig sister used them to bribe and black mail my parents..........

however i am straying of the whole cards...teddies....balloons....etc etc .....why don't people use the money they spend on child hunger .....rather  than pile up  all that  souvenir garbage outside the gates .........cut flowers are  a complete waste of money ......florists will say no!!!!!but they make a bundle from them .......obviously .......well the jelly cannot  enjoy them ....jelly bean ....queen ........she is gone  ....who are they for........ i always wonder's a mystery all that money wasted know the intentions are good  ...but so is feeding hungry kids know  put a donation in your name  and the .......persons .........seems better used ......

Butn death to me.....nothing makes sense ....we cry over dead bodies .....instead of hugging live ones ......we place them in overpriced empty boxes a fortune have them made up to look as good as they were  alive .....then tell people they look great .....when in fact........ dead people do not look great  ......then they have eulogies of lies  ...not a bad word is said to a dead person .... but when alive  ....usually contempt ......and  arguing .....funny though huh !!!!!!we all know one is perfect and we all have our skeletons(excuse the pun).....  ....been there.......  done that....... seen that ...........then we  burn them ..........or put them in a hole in the rot !!!!!!!go figure i cannot  never have ....never will after the queen is put in the vault .....all her cards and teddies and balloons  ....will probably go in a storage unit or  something  .....i am sure  .......

i will just never understand the cultural brainwashing of worshipping the dead ......not the living ..........people never come to see you ever ....until you are lying there  stiff as a board .......

I just  recently lost my friend of 30 years we lived close  ...but we kept in contact  every day ......but ......but just like that......... he croaked the blink of  an eye .........our friendship of 35 years was over .....nothing can be done .....and to see him lying there  lifeless.......and all that was left  was a box of ashes ....... 

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