Saturday, September 3, 2022

Bikers ....a brawl no seriously


does'nt bikers and brawling  go together like coffee and cream ......beans on toast .....arsenic and old lace......pinky and perky.....roast lamb and mint sauce .....cheese and chives ......whisky and rye.......etc etc know what i am getting at ........i mean what the fuck else would you expect from the outlaws ....extreme speed knitting ,.....flower arranging on meth ........scrabble ......fuck no !!!!!..........You expect all sort of  tom foolery say .......gun running ......prostitution .......drug trafficking know the whole outlaw deal that why they are called the outlaws......becasue they do outlaw shit ,,......1%er's.....seems a fair got rep to live up to amigo ......those are pretty fucking  cool  dudes  so the occasional brawl is  par for the course .........good job lads ........


Outlaws member found not guilty in 2019 Fall River biker brawl murder

FALL RIVER — With a heightened police presence and members of two rival gangs watching on, Joseph “JoJo” Noe of the Outlaws Motorcycle Club was found not guilty on all counts of murder and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon in the September 2019 biker brawl that left a rival club member dead outside a Bedford Street bar.

Noe, 28, of Taunton, slumped his head down on the table after the jury forewoman read the verdict on Thursday afternoon in the Fall River Justice Center. At one point it appeared he was beginning to hyperventilate and loosened his tie with his attorney, Robert Galibois, patting him on the back.

Eric Voshell, 39, an Oak Bluffs resident, former volunteer fireman and businessman, died from two gunshot wounds to the back of the head at Rhode Island Hospital after a brawl outside of JC’s Café.

Voshell was a member of the Sidewinders Motorcycle Club. The two rival motorcycle clubs had reportedly had recent interactions in the city before the fatal shooting.

Joseph Noe leaves the Justice Center after receiving a not guilty verdict.
Joseph Noe leaves the Justice Center after receiving a not guilty verdict.

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Noe has been out on $50,000 cash bail since September 2020. He was facing a possible conviction for first- or second-degree murder, both of which include lifetime prison sentences, or voluntary of involuntary manslaughter.

The jury of eight women and four men also cleared Noe on two counts of intentional assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and reckless assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. A member of the Outlaws and a member of the Sidewinders had also been shot and injured in the shooting.

Joseph Noe reacts to the not guilty verdict.
Joseph Noe reacts to the not guilty verdict.

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Packed courtroom awaits a verdict

Before the verdict was read, the courtroom was packed with family and friends of Voshell and family and supporters of Noe.

Approximately 15 court officers and about 11 Fall River police officers, some in plain clothes, were also in the courtroom.

Fall River Superior Court Judge Raffi Yessayan said people attending the trial had been conducting themselves appropriately, and warned them to continue.

“I know emotions can run high and it’s a stressful situation. So, if anyone can’t control your emotions, I’m going to ask you to leave now,” said Yessayan.

After the verdict, Voshell’s widow, Katherine Voshell, quietly cried, while others appeared stunned and angry at the jury’s decision.

Noe’s supporters filed out of the courtroom, and he later followed to a crowd that surrounded him with cheers and embraces.

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The family of the victim, Eric Voshell, listens as the verdict is read.
The family of the victim, Eric Voshell, listens as the verdict is read.

Scene outside of the Justice Center post-verdict

Since the start of the Noe trial on Aug. 22, there was a noticeable uptick in police presence at the Fall River Justice Center, which included jurors being escorted to their vehicles after court was recessed for the day.

But on Thursday with anticipation of a verdict, an army of public safety officers, including Massachusetts State Police, ringed the courthouse throughout the day.

Also present, a line of Harley-Davidson motorcycles appeared early in the morning outside the courthouse with dozens of Noe’s supporters waiting outside, none wearing the “colors” or insignia depicting them as members of the Outlaws Motorcycle Club.

Motorcycles leave the Justice Center after the Noe verdict.
Motorcycles leave the Justice Center after the Noe verdict.

Noe leaves the courthouse

After the verdict, Noe took off his dress shirt in the lobby of the Justice Center and headed out to the street in just a tank top and a black cap. His supporters pulled out jackets and T-shirts from their motorcycle saddlebags with the Outlaws insignia.

One T-shirt read: "OUTLAWS SCRANTON."

As riders climbed on their motorcycles and revved engines, Fall River police stopped traffic on South Main Street as his supporters took video of the scene that looked like something out of “Sons of Anarchy,” a television show referenced at trial by the prosecution.

It ended with Noe and his wife pulling in front of the pack of motorcycles in a dark-colored Harley that had been parked there all day, and they drove away from the courthouse.

Joseph Noe meet with family and friends after the not guilty verdict.
Joseph Noe meet with family and friends after the not guilty verdict.

Video evidence was the crux of Noe's defense

On the night of the melee, tensions between the two motorcycle groups inside JC’s Café were brewing, according to a witness at trial, with Noe’s group wearing Outlaw insignia in the known Sidewinder hangout.

Video surveillance cameras both inside and outside the establishment caught the action between the two groups. In the exterior video, a crowd of what is identified as Sidewinders is seen circling Noe and his group, armed with hammers and other weapons after they leave the bar.

At one point, Noe is seen drawing a gun and the Sidewinders back off, but fighting between the club members continued. Noe is seen on camera firing a handgun, taking five shots into the crowd.

Noe said he’d been trying to keep a crowd of Sidewinders from beating his uncle and presented a defense of “in defense of another.”

Jo C. Goode may be reached at Support local journalism and subscribe to The Herald News today!

This article originally appeared on The Herald News: Outlaws biker club member found not guilty in biker brawl shooting

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